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  1. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Their original purpose of the TVA was, per He Who Remains, to prune the various alternate timelines to prevent a Multiversal War with all of the Kang variants, so that He Who Remains is the only Kang. All of the people at the TVA were variants from elsewhere in the multiverse. Just like Loki...
  2. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I almost fell off my chair during the bit: Loki: "How long will it take for me to know everything about this stuff?" O.B.: "Ah...centuries!" [card] Centuries Later My wife almost fell over when I said to her, "He probably already knows how to juggle." (A reference to the SG-1 time-loop...
  3. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I loved the finale. A thought had occurred to me as the end played out...
  4. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Probably, but I don't think it was ever said for sure.
  5. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Zaniac. The character that X-5/Brad Wolfe (I keep wanting to call him "Bad Wolf", from Doctor Who/Torchwood) played in the movies in his non-TVA life. Based on an arcade game (or was the game based on his movies?). When Loki mournfully says, "But I don't know where I belong," I said to my wife...
  6. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Well, consider the Loki variants we met in Season 1. They aren't all that much like the Loki we know. Nor is Sylvie. Interesting theory. But would a Kang unknowingly step into a situation where he'd get pasta-rized? Or was that just a hoax?
  7. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I loved O.B. channeling Doc Brown with his apology for the crudeness of his model. Wibbly-wobbly, timey-whimey.
  8. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    What I would like to know regarding Ravonna Renslayer is...what is a ren, and why does it need slaying?
  9. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I almost fell out of my chair in the scene where Loki comments on the Norse god statues. Mostly because of the comment, "Balder the Brave? No one's ever heard of him," (or something to that effect). For those not familiar with the comics, Balder was Thor's best friend, and appeared constantly...
  10. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Not I. My wife was flying back from Cali today, and I just got back from picking her up. We won't be watching it until Friday evening, if not Saturday.
  11. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I disagree with regards to feeling like it's treading water, though I suppose it depends on what you want to get out of it. For one, though it doesn't seem much like it, Loki himself is doing some serious self-reflection. And it seemed clear that this self-reflection was due to wrangling with...
  12. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    OK, but I stand by my comment. I figured that they filmed in an actual McDonald's, but they weren't in-your-face with "promoting" the brand. The name "McDonald's" isn't said at all. By the by, the setting card for that scene said it was in Broxton, OK. That's significant...maybe...
  13. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I didn't think it was that bad. If the order-taker didn't specifically mention "Big Mac", there would be no suggestion that it was "McDonald's" instead of a vague McDonald's-esque generic fast-food place. The name "McDonald's" doesn't actually appear (it's not given a name), there were no Golden...
  14. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    So, 9pm ET. I figured they were going to pull the same thing they did with Ahsoka.
  15. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Looks like they added Sylvie this time.
  16. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Quantumania came out three months ago?!?! How did I miss that?!:D
  17. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Then again, he wasn't factoring in the creation of alternate timelines. The Banner who said that about time travel rules had not yet met The Ancient One, who told him that removing an object (in this case, the Time Stone) from the timeline created a divergent timeline. Banner countered only by...
  18. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Jake's post is from way back, but as he said, these things have been "ruminating in my brain" lately. Anyway, the fact that we know now that Kang is the puppet master behind the TVA, it's clear that anything that's happened that seems like something the TVA would/should do something about is...
  19. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Each of the four series is different than the other three. I liked all of them. WandaVision is terms of how it tells its story. Loki is the most complex, and requires more attention. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is a more straight-forward action series, in the same way...
  20. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Then I succeeded in accomplishing the near-impossible. I had heard (I think from you, here in this thread) that Kang would be in the next Ant-Man film, but I wasn't aware that Majors was playing him. To be honest, I wasn't all that familiar with Majors -- only from Lovecraft Country. At any...
  21. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Your spoiler didn't work. Did you just try to put your own spoiler tags in instead of using the "slashed eye" in the commands above the reply window? Anyway, I didn't notice it, but I read about it on-line. This is pure speculation, but I wonder if this whole time-travel/alternate timeline...
  22. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I guess the answer to Johnny's question would be "Unclear".
  23. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    OK, finally saw episode 2. Loved Mobius calling Loki "Ice Runt".
  24. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    re: Agents / Agent vs MCU My take: Does it really matter? I mean, really matter? Some people want them to be canonical, others (even Powers That Be) don't. Everyone is free to decide which. It's not really going to change either TV show (or Cloak & Dagger or Runaways, for that matter) or any of...
  25. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

  26. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    Wait until the movies get all multiversed on their asses! Speaking of's bizarre that the TVA seemed to think that the Avengers' time heist was what was "supposed to" happen. How about Thanos &co. coming forward from 2014 to 2023? Thanos-2014 (and his minions) come forward in time...
  27. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    My wife and I enjoyed the premiere. It seemed odd that Loki would've known that the Avengers had been mucking about in time, but he did smell enough of Tony's cologne to realize that there were two of him there. ;) I am interested in whether all of this ends up helping to set up the...
  28. jayembee

    Disney+ Loki (2021)

    I'm not the one you're asking, but I'm not a spoilerphobe. I don't search out spoilers, but I don't avoid them, either. On the other hand, watching Loki on Odin's Day :D won't be a problem for my wife and I. Currently, the only things I watch that evening are the three Chicago shows, and...