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  1. Museum Pieces

    Disney+ Marvel's What If?

    The way I took it, that was applying to HIS timeline, not the other timeline. What's possible in one timeline apparently is not possible in another. I didn't get the creation of an infinity stone, but next time I'll watch for it. I would doubt it, but who knows? One thing that bothers me is...
  2. Museum Pieces

    Disney+ Marvel's What If?

    I'd been waiting for Dr. Strange and it did not disappoint. My favorite so far.
  3. Museum Pieces

    Disney+ Marvel's What If?

    I liked the third episode okay, but not sure I believed the force responsible would be so mad and vengeful and mostly how would they know where to be every time at just the right moment to make all those things go south? I liked it till I started thinking about it, and it just doesn't seem...
  4. Museum Pieces

    Disney+ Marvel's What If?

    I'm not going to watch the opening credits anymore. I loved this episode but would have loved it a lot more if I had been surprised by some of the heavy hitters. Love this series so far!
  5. Museum Pieces

    Disney+ Marvel's What If?

    I remember buying the first issue of this when it hit the stands back in 1977 (and still have the floppies). I thought the first episode was a lot of fun. I felt the same excitement and wonder reading the comic back in the day that I did watching this episode. Love to see the new universe of...