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  1. jayembee

    Disney+ Marvel's What If?

    Two things regarding the Watcher... (1) Every time in the intro, he says, "I am the Watcher..." followed by a pause, at which point I'm waiting for him to say, "...and I like to watch." (2) Old comics joke proposing an inter-company crossover. Question: "Who Watches the Watchmen?" Answer: "The...
  2. jayembee

    Disney+ Marvel's What If?

    My wife and I caught up this evening. Eps 3 and 4 were amusing, but minor episodes. I think I might've liked 3 better if Justin Hammer wasn't the bad guy. Nothing against Sam Rockwell, but I disliked the character in Iron Man 2, and again here. Darcy was the highlight (especially with her...
  3. jayembee

    Disney+ Marvel's What If?

    I've only seen the first two episodes so far. My wife and I were impressed by how many of the MCU cast they've gotten to continue doing the voices. One interesting "recast", though, was that, in the second episode, T'Chaka was voiced by Atandwa Kani, son of John Kani, who played T'Chaka in Civil...