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  1. YANG

    What Forgotten Films do you want on Blu ray or 4K?

    the "Reconstruct Edition" though had been released in Blu-Ray, but it had been years in SHD resolution... ...a not available widely in other regions as well. this is really crying out loud for at least minimum FHD remaster to the Reconstruct Edition...
  2. YANG

    What Forgotten Films do you want on Blu ray or 4K?

    that "RAT" is probably holding ScottFree Production works as hostage... like what they do with LightStorm/Cameron, sort of sending message to Ridley, "U wanna bail out the ur works to be remastered into higher resolution homevideos? Give us something new that have potential to be boxoffice...
  3. YANG

    What Forgotten Films do you want on Blu ray or 4K?

    the 236mins version? that would be exciting! but i guess the publisher whoever is holding the rights right now, would be waiting for a major studio to jump into the "physical media pool" to push out a 4K release that would be stable and sought after proving the potential that movies of such...
  4. YANG

    What Forgotten Films do you want on Blu ray or 4K?

    pulled out 3 "modern westerns“ today for a spin... ...pity, UNFORGIVEN DVD worked only for a single layer, totally unreadable in the 2nd half of the film. i guess, it's time for the 4K transitional pack upgrade. anyway, on Wyatt Earp "inspired" movie, i wonder...
  5. YANG

    What Forgotten Films do you want on Blu ray or 4K?

    i was expecting these 2 Fantasy Adventure classics by the 2 movie masters to be announced as 4K remaster release... ...eventually, Labyrinth and Never Ending Story got announced. i guess we may have to temporary live with the FHD release of Masters' Works for another 2yrs, until they could...
  6. YANG

    What Forgotten Films do you want on Blu ray or 4K?

    i didn't notice that LOST SOULS is available with BluRay release... ...or had i missed some other region release?
  7. YANG

    What Forgotten Films do you want on Blu ray or 4K?

    i don't think this is widely available in any other region as blu-ray release other than Germany. i have the DVD release from HK publisher though... it seems the disc is suffering from oxidization as playback problem occurs.
  8. YANG

    What Forgotten Films do you want on Blu ray or 4K?

    while we're talking about the swash buckling flicks made in the 70s... the title Musketeers prompt me to look back into remakes made in both the 90s as well as 00s... Disney "kids friendly" remake got a FHDBD release however, the much intense action 2001 remake made by Universal... doesn't...
  9. YANG

    What Forgotten Films do you want on Blu ray or 4K?

    i don't have much impression on William Baldwin doing action flicks other than the Action Drama Backdraft. however, whenever i'm asked who're the pretty actress i can name from the 90s till y2K... KimBasinger, ElizabethShue, MichellePhiffer, SharonStone as well as CindyCrawford comes to mind...
  10. YANG

    What Forgotten Films do you want on Blu ray or 4K?

    yeah... i know... lots may detest the sight the sight and looks on a roach, however some roach may deliver fun, such as those... in Joe's Apartment! it seems that this is not released in BD yet. hopefully Warner is still holding the rights of this title and giving it a good FHD transfer...
  11. YANG

    What Forgotten Films do you want on Blu ray or 4K?

    Denzel Washington's younger time performance... is lesser known. i've no idea whether WB/HBO Video had released this before in America, but when you do a search in Amazon, you'll come across a Spanish BluRay release. should there really isn't any BR release, either to American market or other...
  12. YANG

    What Forgotten Films do you want on Blu ray or 4K?

    2 periodic war film... that doesn't seems to be release in BluRay yet? ...remastering in 4K might bring some clarity into certain details of the films. with HDR, dark scenes in the LEGIONNAIRE may look challenging. However, that would be dependent on how well preserved the original film...
  13. YANG

    What Forgotten Films do you want on Blu ray or 4K?

    in the DVD age, 2 of my most frequently played WW2 theme "reference disc" U571 and The THIN RED LINE ...though had their BluRay release sometime ago, the releases had been too long and desperately requires new remastering on both Sound and Visual field of presentation. the former gives our...
  14. YANG

    What Forgotten Films do you want on Blu ray or 4K?

    I wonder... when will we ever get to see this... 4K, HDR? Since the backdrop of the movie is mostly in the dark...