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  1. ManW_TheUncool

    Yamaha RX-A780 hookup to Headphone DAC/AMP

    BTW, did you try your Yamaha AVR in whatever "pure direct" mode w/ all DSPs, etc disabled when using its headphone output? IF not, that could be a/the problem. IIRC, most AVRs are just designed to output whatever processed audio folded back down to stereo to its headphone out -- of course...
  2. ManW_TheUncool

    Yamaha RX-A780 hookup to Headphone DAC/AMP

    Which Sennheiser headphones do you have? I'm not really that big on using headphones, but do own some pretty good ones like the classic Sennheiser HD600 and more recent HifiMan Sundara (and some other cheaper, more mainstream ones). I didn't have a problem using my cheap, (~15-year-)old Yamaha...