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  1. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    I only have one piece of advice, hire better writers.
  2. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    The thing with the research scientists...
  3. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    I did not like this either. For a number of reasons. I mean, I've known and know a lot of scientists, and truth is they sort of have a range of personalities like anybody else. I don't find it impossible that one would be open to killing someone or many someones, but in the case of the...
  4. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    I have not decided yet if it would have changed how I felt about it. Had the show just been called Night Country and not been tied at all to True Detective, and not dropped all kinds of callbacks to season one into the series, I think I may have thought of it in a different way. I would not have...
  5. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    This is a good way to explain how story is important and how to improve a story, particularly a thriller or mystery. I will spoiler this:
  6. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    I don't think the show was confusing. I guess my biggest issue was I began watching the show for a mystery, and it kicked off with a bang, then it became a show about the problems in the lives of the characters. I did not expect that and did not expect that to become the show's primary focus and...
  7. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    I have not seen season 2 or 3 so can't comment on them. On season 4, yes, I started out very engaged, the second episode had me expecting the thing was going to pick-up steam but then it nosedived from there. I guess what I am trying to sort out now is, had it just been a new series called Night...
  8. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    Ha, yes. I thought she was interesting so if the show had spent more time with her, I would have been fine with that. She was the best of the side characters.
  9. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    I get that is a very quotable line from season one but yes, it really seemed a bad idea to have him blurt that out.
  10. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    I liked Rose. That scene at least put to bed the idea that Rose was a ghost only Navarro could see and talked to.
  11. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    I thought there were many things that really did not make much sense. Just not a well thought out mystery really. It was full of things designed just to throw you off a bit but seemed as if they did not really think them through. I really don't think they should have bothered with throwing in...
  12. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    One general comment I will make, I read comments from Foster and Lopez that after seeing the finale you would need to go back and watch the series again to see clues that had been dropped right under our noses the entire way through. I thought the series essentially did not require that. I think...
  13. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    Well, that was underwhelming for me. While I give the acting, atmosphere, location, and the general look of the show a positive grade, my final grade for the show as a whole is a D+ mostly because the story, how they resolved things, and were pretty mediocre to bad. No rewatch factor on this...
  14. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    Well, tonight's the night, the final episode and wrap-up of this series. I will be tuned in. Just read an article with comments from Lopez about the ties to season 1:
  15. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    Yes, I think it is a matter of "This is what it is." as opposed to "This is what I was thinking it was going to be." I don't think I can fairly pass my final judgement of it until I see whatever they are going to do in the final episode. I have ideas about what may happen, not really wishful...
  16. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    It's true, I am. Part of that is when I have invested my time in something I want to get something out of that investment. So, having a conversation about it allows me to do that. It allows me to consider and examine what I think and to hear what others think. With this show, after the 5...
  17. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    What do you guys think of the Rose theory:
  18. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    I did like Hawkes doing that song. That really was kind of his major moment in the series.
  19. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    I like them, as characters, I don't know how I would feel about them as people. As characters in this show, I get a kick out of the "slutty" Danvers thing, because I really was not expecting that and it provides a few funny scenes along the way. Evangeline is like the female version of Bud White...
  20. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    My theory of what is going on, obviously do not read this unless you want to delve into a guessing game of what is coming up in the final episode:
  21. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    The Navarro theory...
  22. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    It is interesting that Peter is the only detective.
  23. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    I have to admit, I am in the minority here and found episode 5 to be fairly lousy. I also think the way they sort of refuse to move the mystery forward, whatever the reveal is going to be it has now been crammed into the final episode (which one person has said is 90 minutes long rather than the...
  24. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    I think, for me anyway, I came to the show for the "detectives working to solve a bizarre mystery" aspect of it. What made season one so great was that they were pursuing a very strange and very dark mystery, and while the two main characters were shown to be flawed men with personal lives that...
  25. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    Here's what I find the oddest part of this story. In episode one they present us with a really interesting mystery, an entire research station crew vanishes and turn up naked and frozen, buried in the ice a long way from the station. It's a real WOW mystery. None of the characters in the show...
  26. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    So, here is what I think is the giant difference between season 1 and season 4. In season 1 the mystery was super dark and twisted, the two main characters were messed up and had screwed up personal lives but the darkness they were pursuing in the mystery was far worse than their personal lives...
  27. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    Ha, this show could be called True Detective: Club Suicide because man, all of these people have reason not to want to live any longer their lives suck so bad. This really is turning out to be maybe the most miserable bunch of people I have ever encountered on a TV show. It would make total...
  28. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    Well, I would say that the idea with that is the same as supernatural happenings in real life, in that it is hard to say what may really be there or what our minds create for us. I think the supernatural elements here are all pretty much explainable by people's minds creating them and to some...
  29. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    Cool, thanks, Joe. Yeah, I had heard or read that they would not be airing an episode on Super Bowl Sunday and the plan was to show episode 5 the following weekend. Maybe that changed. With these streaming shows, not sure why it matters but releasing one each Sunday does make it feel more like...
  30. Winston T. Boogie

    HBO Max True Detective: Night Country

    I ended up watching the Criterion disc of Lone Star last night and totally forgot episode 4 was on. I will catch up with that tonight.