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  1. Walter Kittel

    Amazon Prime Too Old To Die Young (Limited Series from Nicolas Winding Refn)

    Finally finished the series earlier today. It certainly ended in a place that I could not have predicted after viewing the first episode of the series. My overall impression of the series is relatively consistent across the episodes. Once again it isn't for everyone, but worth a look for...
  2. Walter Kittel

    Amazon Prime Too Old To Die Young (Limited Series from Nicolas Winding Refn)

    Still slowly working my way through the series... Without getting too spoiler-y the last episode I viewed was a complete kick in the balls - metaphorically speaking. At this point, I have no idea where things are headed as I come down the home stretch. I can honestly say that there are a...
  3. Walter Kittel

    Amazon Prime Too Old To Die Young (Limited Series from Nicolas Winding Refn)

    Still slowly working my way through this series and viewed episode five earlier today, which features "Mandy". This clip is fairly drenched in irony when one considers the sheer level of darkness and depravity that permeates this episode. It is a very dark series for the most part, although...
  4. Walter Kittel

    Amazon Prime Too Old To Die Young (Limited Series from Nicolas Winding Refn)

    I watched one or two seasons of American Gods, but my memories of that series are kind of vague. I do recall it had a fairly striking visual aspect; perhaps a bit more visually dynamic in terms of its use of color vs. the series that is the subject of this thread. Having said that, color is of...
  5. Walter Kittel

    Amazon Prime Too Old To Die Young (Limited Series from Nicolas Winding Refn)

    I have a good friend with whom I view some programming. After watching episode one, I sort of figured this program would be of interest to them. We have watched the first two episodes and are both on board for this series. (Second viewing of episode one for me.) Even though the show has...
  6. Walter Kittel

    Amazon Prime Too Old To Die Young (Limited Series from Nicolas Winding Refn)

    Watched episode one today and loved it. It has a very deliberate pace and Teller reminds me a lot of Gosling in Refn's Drive in terms of his prenaturally calm demeanor. Terrific electronic soundtrack and very much a David Lynch vibe in some sequences. Most notably regarding a certain...
  7. Walter Kittel

    Amazon Prime Too Old To Die Young (Limited Series from Nicolas Winding Refn)

    I wasn't even aware this existed. Will I watch it, or at the very least try to watch it? Hell yeah! - Walter.