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  1. cineMANIAC

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Titanic -- in 4k UHD

    Grain haters must be overjoyed that cinematography is now all-digital excepting one or two productions here and there by the last remaining vestiges of film-supporting Directors. Now they can have their movies looking squeaky clean - just like a Pixar cartoon! No more nasty ugly grain. Blech...
  2. cineMANIAC

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Titanic -- in 4k UHD

    It's funny how regular folks think they know what's best for fans. Cameron? Cameron who? What does he know? Lol
  3. cineMANIAC

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Titanic -- in 4k UHD

    It looks like those who will be disappointed the most will be people with high end projection systems. The bigger the screen, the bigger the canvas will be for the amplification of flaws. My 65 inch OLED will do me just fine.
  4. cineMANIAC

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Titanic -- in 4k UHD

    Both Avatars are being reissued in a couple of weeks. I wasn't impressed with the original 4Ks at all (I fully expected them to blow my mind). I'm under the impression these reissues are supposed to be vast improvements over the previous ones. Cameron had NOTHING to do with the T2 disc. That...
  5. cineMANIAC

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Titanic -- in 4k UHD

    I still prefer to measure quality with an actual disc. I never did trust downloads/streams as reliable sources, at least not 100% :)
  6. cineMANIAC

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Titanic -- in 4k UHD

    There are only 3 people who have any real insight into why Cameron went with this type of remaster and they are Cameron himself, Jon Landau and the DP. Everyone else, well, we can only speculate as to the reasons. I think we'll have a clearer picture (no pun intended) when Cameron's "big three"...
  7. cineMANIAC

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Titanic -- in 4k UHD

    I had a religious experience revisiting Titanic on 4K disc last night. Oddly, I actually enjoyed the first 90 minutes (the courtship stuff) more than the second half this go-round but, still, the whole thing was an incredible experience. Say what you will about the Picture Quality, aside from a...
  8. cineMANIAC

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Titanic -- in 4k UHD

    PRECISELY. So much of Titanic was filmed in front of giant greenscreens. And despite Cameron being a, well, genius, 1997 was still a relatively primitive time in terms of technological advancements and what could be done with existing equipment. Cameron still turned out a spectacular film with...
  9. cineMANIAC

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Titanic -- in 4k UHD

    I've been doing a lot of "double buying" myself lately. Byproduct of an aging mind lol (in my case). I preordered both the Best Buy steelbook and the regular 4K. Had totally forgotten about the steel but it's the one I'm going to keep because it's just too badass. Point Break is a longtime...
  10. cineMANIAC

    UHD Review A Few Words About A few words about...™ - Titanic -- in 4k UHD

    I ordered a copy of the regular 4K from Best Buy because they usually ship a day or two early but here we are a day before street date and still no movement beyond "Ready for Packaging". I knew this was going to be a potential problem. Preordering days in advance wasn't going to guarantee anyone...