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  1. Blimpboy

    The Official Star Trek Music Discussion Thread

    The music to The Cage was altered when shown as The Menagarie. In Jeff Bond's book on the music of Star Trek he mentions that after Pike is told he is going to be reliving his memories, there was no music after the line... " We will begin with this." It was added for the two-parter. When they...
  2. Blimpboy

    The Official Star Trek Music Discussion Thread

    I was very fortunate to come upon the Symphonic Suites when they were first released. I had developed a love for film music at an early age. My parents were aware of this and bought the Cage / Where No Man Has Gone Before score for me as my first CD one Christmas! They may not be the origonal...
  3. Blimpboy

    The Official Star Trek Music Discussion Thread

    I enjoy the Fred Steiner scores from TOS. Corbormite Maneuver is great from beginning to end. He re-recorded two albums worth of music in the 80's. It seems his music from the third season will never see the light of day. I love the Klingon music in Elaan of Troyius. After seeing what FSM did...