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  1. David Weicker

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    Part of the problem with intermissions is the actual exiting and returning to your seat. Most theaters today do not have walking areas in the rows. Theaters, like airplanes, have become more cramped. Knees and seatbacks make it awkward, to say the least, both for the mover and the already...
  2. David Weicker

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    To quote John Ford when asked ‘Why didn't the Indians just shoot the horses?’ "If the Indians had done that, they would have stopped the picture."
  3. David Weicker

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    Personally, I don’t have a problem with early announcements. I completely disliked the ending of A3. It wasn’t dramatic in any way shape or form. It was the biggest cheat in history. I knew that every part of that finger snap would be undone. It has to. The MCU takes place in a modified...