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  1. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    And that's before a true Avengers bump, which should come next time due to his presence in Endgame.
  2. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    Yeah, to be honest, this is probably my second-favorite MCU sub-franchise after Guardians to watch for pure laughs just for just this reason. Black Panther and Infinity War are weighier and better, but Ant-Man and the Wasp was the most pure fun to watch of the three this year. I certainly...
  3. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    The Digital Bits says it's expected to hit Blu-ray on October 16, which is the same schedule used last year for Homecoming.
  4. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    As long as it's not a reboot and works out better than The Amazing Spider-Man did... :) :laugh:
  5. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    Well, I was close. I really wonder if another Ant-Man could make a go of the February slot. It wouldn't do Black Panther numbers, obviously (what would?), but might...
  6. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    Especially since this film is off to a solid start, I don't see any reason to think otherwise. Assuming the three-year gap from between the first two films repeats again, Disney has staked out May 5, July 30 and November 5, 2021 for currently unrevealed Marvel films TBA. We know Ant-Man isn't...
  7. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    I see your point, but it's obviously not. The movie was not designed to open at the heights that The Avengers do, and it landed solidly in the range it was expected to. I also think it will leg out well. This is gravy on Marvel's incredible banner year. It's going to be a long time waiting...
  8. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    As I said over in the box office thread, of course Disney would've liked more this weekend, but I'm sure they're pleased with a 33% improvement over the original film, and the budget is such that it doesn't have to open huge to be profitable. I think audiences will continue to find it over the...
  9. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    That's it though. It does change, but it's simply not as noticeable on a not-huge screen.
  10. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    That's actually a good thing because it means you're really involved in the movie and it's doing its job to engage you. But I also understand the frustration. Are you viewing it on a really huge IMAX screen like they used to put in museums, or one of the smaller "fake" IMAX screens in major...
  11. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    The thing is that the movie still has to work in 2D. As we've discussed before, I can't see 3D, so I don't go to 3D showings. The director may well consider how a given shot is going to look in 3D, and they should -- but I've never felt that I was missing anything by consuming the MCU in 2D...
  12. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    All good points. And if that really is all there is to why she took the role, she still took it, which means that she exists in the MCU and probably has a multi-film deal. Marvel would be foolish not to take advantage of that and give her something more substantial to play in the future.
  13. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    That's just it, though. If you look at Pfeiffer's resume for the last several years, she DOESN'T have any hit franchises on there; she doesn't seem particularly interested in them based on the choices she's made recently. The closest you could come would be Murder on the Orient Express, which...
  14. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    I wouldn't say she looked disinterested at all, but I would say that she really didn't have a lot to do. I can only come to the conclusion that they must have big plans for her later, because you don't get an actress like Pfeiffer for only a small role like that. She was more of an object...
  15. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

  16. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    This. [/SPOILER]
  17. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    I'm just back from it and I liked it, but I think it's not as focused as the first one was. The various storylines going on seemed to compete with each other for attention and screentime rather than complimenting each other in to create a cohesive whole. Nothing in it was bad, but it kept...
  18. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    No. I saw Civil War, Ragnarok and Black Panther in IMAX 2D and they had the expanded ratio scenes intact. Edit: Josh beat me to saying essentially the same thing. An on that note, since Ant-Man and the Wasp is opening tonight, I'm out of this thread until I get a chance to see it sometime...
  19. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    I got an email from Disney saying that tickets go on sale tomorrow.
  20. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    This is different.
  21. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    Another new TV spot mentions the "house arrest" issue from Infinity War:
  22. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    Marvel announced she was in it, and they announced who she was playing. If they thought it was a spoiler, they wouldn't have done either one of those things. I'm a bit surprised to see her now since the marketing at this point hasn't used her, so I thought they might want to reveal her in the...
  23. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    Nice to see Pfeiffer in particular, although I'm a bit surprised they gave her a poster. Since she hasn't been in any marketing yet, I had been wondering if they were saving her entirely for the film as some kind of surprise. Not that we don't know she's in it, obviously, but still.
  24. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    Yes, she is. That's already been confirmed by Marvel.
  25. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    In that case, the distinct lack of Michelle Pfeiffer in the trailer is odd, since she's a big name and we know she's in the film. Perhaps they are saving her for a big reveal in the film?
  26. Jake Lipson

    ANT-MAN and the WASP: July 6, 2018

    The trailer makes me question something. I am speculating 100% and have absolutely no insider information at all. Still, I will put the question inside a spoiler bracket, just in case it's right. But if it is, it's just a lucky guess. Also, note the appearance of Perry White in the MCU...