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  1. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    I don't know who you claim is saying this, but I have REPEATEDLY expressed that my concern is with the value of spending the money to expand BEYOND 7.x.4. Repeatedly.
  2. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    I can understand that it might seem I said otherwise, but that was never my intention. What I was explaining, maybe badly, is that the 128 objects in a theatrical soundtrack can be divided between bed channels and dynamic objects. There is a total of 128, so if 10 are used for bed channels...
  3. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    There's a very interesting bit of info there in the Dolby links... It seems to state that even though there are a maximum of two overhead bed channels, when the system has four overhead speakers, it will "phantom" the two channels to come from all four speakers, but when the system has six...
  4. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    When I typed that I was going from memory about a conversation I'd had a year or two earlier. My mistake was thinking the maximum bed channel configuration was 7.1.4 (12) instead of 7.1.2 (10). I fail to see how that's a "contradiction" rather than just remembering the specific numbers...
  5. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    ...aaah. A second thing he confirms around 16:00 is that he believes the official Dolby guidelines for overhead speakers in a home setup is too far off axis from the viewing position.
  6. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    They really got right to and confirmed a few of my issues withg the marketing of Atmos in the first ten minutes. He does confirm that going beyond 7.1.2 doesn't result in what most people tend to expect. He emphasizes 7.1.2 bed channels several times, though I thought the most common "bed"...
  7. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    To clarify, the overhead speakers are in the ceiling, not just high on the side walls. They are supposed to be over the audience’s heads. Not just elevated to the sides.
  8. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    Well, the question is a little off. Atmos is a much more elaborate surround system that allows cinema theaters to have as many as 128 sound "Objects". Objects can be an single sound, or a collection of related sounds. As in, a helicopter flying overhead actually contains several sounds. At...
  9. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    That's basically my point. How many HTs would get any benefit from a system larger than 7.x.4 anyway? Home Atmos processors can theoretically produce many more channels than that. The problem is, home Atmos systems work a certain way up to 7.x.4, but things change once you go beyond that. My...
  10. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    It's actually 16, but I don't want to go that road of semantics again regarding what channels and objects are. A channel is pretty much a defined thing, but "Objects" can have multiple meanings.
  11. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    Not even remotely. My point is that, due to the limitations of the current HOME Atmos system, it's probably not worth going beyond the standard four surround and four overhead channels.
  12. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    Those are essentially the same as the rear surrounds in a 7.1 DTS HD or Dolby HD soundtrack. So, like I said, you basically have a 7.1 system, you just duplicated the two side surround channels into two duplicate pairs of speakers. If the room is deep and you have multiple rows of seating, it...
  13. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    You have a nearly traditional 7 channel surround system. You just have two pairs of duplicate side surrounds, but that doesn't really make it 9 channels, as you already pointed out. When it comes to subwoofers, numbers tend to be thrown around. The bottom line is, there is only one subwoofer...
  14. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    What I regret is that the last several posts have done nothing to improve the understanding of home Atmos, and how it actually functions in real-world situations. To genuinely understand, to the best possible, how it works. As I think back on this exchange, I realize nothing has been gained...
  15. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    I give up…
  16. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    Of course all the original objects are in the home soundtrack. That's the contents of the soundtrack. That doesn't mean they are still 128 discrete elements for the home processor to steer. Anyway, you guys tell yourselves whatever you want and have a nice day.
  17. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    That's a perfect example. Notice that is specifies how many objects (128, though I had gotten the idea it was 168) the cinema version of Atmos can have, but on the home version it only talks about the number of speakers. That's because they don't want to spell out that the total number of...
  18. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    It is so hard to explain. A channel is not merely an object, when it's one of the 12 bed channels, but an object is a channel in the sense that it occupies one of the remaining four channels. Even that isn't quite right, but it gets the concept across. It's very important to distinguish...
  19. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    What I'm trying to explain is being misinterpreted in order to win an argument. I have no interest in winning an argument. My only interest is to convey factual information to the best of my ability. So I'll just try to figure out with a better way to explain it for the next time the subject...
  20. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    Just to try to clarify again... A movie can really have an unlimited number of individual sounds in them, and all of those sounds can be hard coded into the 7.1.4 "bed channels" of the Atmos soundtrack. It's the independent, "object based" part of home Atmos that is heavily advertised, but...
  21. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    Current home Atmos is limited to 16 channels, which in the lingo of Atmos are also called "Objects". Nothing is false in that statement. Ignoring the bulk of my actual explanations to nitpick the meaning of that one word only causes more confusion. My goal was to explain the complexities and...
  22. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    Yes. The setup for a commercial theater is completely different, and much more complicated. No automation involved. Everything is mapped, if it's done correctly. Also, commercial Atmos has the capability for (as I recall) 168 objects, vs 16 for home. So, as Josh also dug into, home Atmos...
  23. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    ...also, on that video, he says 7.1.4 is eight channels. I think he needs to check his math.
  24. JohnRice

    The Fundamentals of Atmos

    Notice when Atmos is discussed, it’s usually conceptual, and refers to theatrical Atmos. Well……. HOME Atmos is limited to 16 objects (channels) and 12 of those are dedicated to the “core” (bed) (7.1.4) objects, which doesn’t leave much to enhance it, and some studios (Disney) never use any of...