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  1. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    I rewatched Infinity War last night and I love most of the movie. I still have a hard time with the Vision/Wanda romance because it seemingly comes out of nowhere. The filmmakers are counting on me feeling emotionally invested in a relationship that I know nothing about and have no prior...
  2. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    Some of what got me most emotional while watching the film weren’t actual scenes in the film, but just the thoughts of how my life has changed over the last 11 years and the people I’ve lost along the way, along with the people I’ve met since it started. When the MCU started up, I was a...
  3. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    On a strictly technical note: I saw both the IMAX 3D 1.90:1 version and the regular 3D 2.40:1 version. The 2.40:1 version didn’t feel as tightly cropped to me as it did with Infinity War. I prefer the IMAX version of Endgame but it didn’t seem to lose as much in translation to regular screens as...
  4. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    I’m seriously considering going to a midnight showing tonight just to be part of the phenomenon again. This is an opening weekend like no other and I’m hoping I can catch a good crowd and enjoy it for a second time.
  5. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    The last time I asked someone in a theater to put their phone away, the crowd sided with that person and said that since they had paid for their ticket, they were free to do whatever they wanted. It’s a losing battle.
  6. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    It must be NYC then. I’ve seen I think 12 movies in theaters this year and had bad experiences each and every time with audience members. The technical quality of the theatres is high but the audience quality is not. I’ll say something that card carrying NYers aren’t supposed to admit: clearly...
  7. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    Maybe NYC is just dead for movies these days. I’m glad it’s not a global phenomenon.
  8. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    I had a pretty dead crowd for mine, and I saw plenty of phone lights going off throughout the movie with people texting or web surfing. I was satisfied with the film but it was frustrating to feel like I was in a room full of people who had better things to do. Really surprising for an IMAX 3D...
  9. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    Oh, I'm not worried, Travis - you're one of the good ones! Hope you enjoy it! I'm probably gonna tune out on this thread now because I don't even think I want any vague impressions going in. But have a wonderful time, and I look forward to discussing with you after I've had a chance to see it!
  10. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    You get to see it a day early?! Lucky!
  11. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    Bathroom break during the twenty minutes of trailers!
  12. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    It's the struggle, man :D When all is said and done, the actual movie running time is probably closer to 2 hours and 45 minutes. Infinity War was 2 hours and 20 minutes not including the end credits, so it's not as if Endgame is that much longer.
  13. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    No intermission. They have been extremely uncommon for decades now.
  14. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    #whateverittakes #isthathowhashtagswork? #i'mtheoldest36yearoldever
  15. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    I think I have a Twitter account but I don’t use it. I think I got it because there was a contest a few years ago that if I tweeted something to U2, I would be entered in a drawing to get free tickets and meet the band, so I signed up. Don’t think I’ve logged in since. “Soulcrushing cesspool” is...
  16. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    While I very much appreciate the gesture, it's terribly sad that it even needs to be said. I don't think the problem, for the most part, lies in fans. I think it's mainly an issue with all of these vulture sites out there that are just clickbait for ad revenue, that put out headlines like...
  17. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    If it was possible to do the kind of work that I've spent my life trying to do somewhere less expensive, I would be much more open to the idea of moving someplace less expensive. When I hear about what I pay for things vs what you guys pay, it makes me wish my job existed there!
  18. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    Thanks for the heads up!
  19. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    Who the F knows. I was wondering if they were going to upgrading that location and maybe that’s why it appeared not to have showtimes, but I also thought it would be madness to take that theater out of the running when youve got a hit that’s guaranteed to sell massive amounts of tickets there...
  20. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    The NYC IMAX on 34th St (one of their smaller, 2K locations but still capable of quality presentations) finally announced and put on sale their Endgame tickets. Looks like it was put on sale at midnight last night with no warning. And I just happened to be checking Fandango at the time. I now...
  21. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    Yeah, the diet stuff can have it’s drawbacks as well, but I found it useful to help me ween off drinking as much soda as I was. Until you lay off the sugary soda, have an equal amount of water after you drink the soda, and that may help towards the dehydration part. Ugh, having a kidney stone...
  22. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    You may also want to avoid or cut back sugared beverages if you can. I was advised to steer clear of those after a kidney stone, as they apparently tax the kidneys and leave you dehydrated, which can make it easier for stones to form. I used to drink a ton of soda almost daily and now I’ve got...
  23. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    I’m already there. Senior citizens can routinely beat me in waiting longer for pee breaks :D
  24. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    I'm usually okay with long movies; my trick is just to use the restroom before taking my seat (even if that means missing the first trailers), and to limit the size beverage that I purchase. I think honestly my excitement for the movie will outweigh any urges to get up. (Sometimes with a...
  25. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    They’re doing so very few of them - AMC is showing it on one screen only, at only three theater locations in the country. So while it sounds like a ridiculous feat, not many people will actually be doing it.
  26. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    Oh... I should add that I realize how objectively ridiculous it is that I can’t accept Tim Roth turning into a monster but that I have no problem with magic glowy rocks which a giant purple man with a scrotum chin can wear as jewelry which will give him the power to destroy half the universe by...
  27. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    There are a lot of little things in the movie I like, but one of the big things that I don’t is how easy it is to become powered in it. It’s beyond silly that Tim Roth can get an injection and then be a monster the size of a building. It’s almost easier to buy Norton and especially Ruffalo as...
  28. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    I like Banner’s reference in the Avengers: “The last time I was in New York, I kinda broke Harlem.” And the Marvel one-shot “The Consultant” was a clever retcon to bring the film further in line with the MCU’s later phase one films.
  29. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    I’m also surprised there wasn’t a double feature. They’ve done them before; it seems like a strange omission. I would have done a double feature, especially if it had been offered in a premium 3D format.
  30. Josh Steinberg

    Avengers: ENDGAME (April 26, 2019) [NON-SPOILERS]

    I have a feeling that when opening night rolls around, all of these digital multiplexes will end up throwing Endgame on every screen for Thursday night, or damn near close to it. If there are two people waiting around to see the third week of whatever movie's been playing there, and two hundred...