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  1. Robert Crawford

    Press Release WHV Press Release: Casablanca (1942) (4k UHD Combo)

    Exactly! Remember that old argument that has been proven wrong that DVD was good enough for black and white films when some people didn't want to upgrade to Blu-ray because they didn't think black and white movies would benefit much in 1080p?
  2. Robert Crawford

    Press Release WHV Press Release: Casablanca (1942) (4k UHD Combo)

    A beautiful looking black and white movie in 4K/Dolby Vision.
  3. Robert Crawford

    Press Release WHV Press Release: Casablanca (1942) (4k UHD Combo)

    How are they going to enforce that rule?
  4. Robert Crawford

    Press Release WHV Press Release: Casablanca (1942) (4k UHD Combo)

    Like this stuff that I already have in my film collection: :laugh:
  5. Robert Crawford

    Press Release WHV Press Release: Casablanca (1942) (4k UHD Combo)

    For twice the price and no digital code, I'm not incline to do the same.