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  1. R

    SOUND OF MUSIC 4K restoration and 70mm reissue???

    Wow, I thought I was the only one who thought this film would be perfect for a 3D conversion. After seeing what a classy job Warner Brothers did with The Wizard of Oz, I have been hoping, but now that Disney owns the movie, my hopes for anything are much lower if not, gone. They didn't even do...
  2. R

    SOUND OF MUSIC 4K restoration and 70mm reissue???

    I am one of the posters unhappy with the SOM blu-and I also think that The King and I is an abomination. We do not "hate" The Sound of Music transfer for the blu-ray, we just want the original colors back and the high end of the sound unfiltered. I believe the blu-ray of SOM is one of the...
  3. R

    SOUND OF MUSIC 4K restoration and 70mm reissue???

    How fun going back to read this thread, especially since we are getting close to 2020, the film's next 5-year anniversary and hopefully the time Fox will release this in 4k. I have stated my feelings on the blu-ray anywhere people will listen. The sound was not spectacular, Oklahoma, made 10...