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  1. george kaplan

    Directors The Massive All-New "Movies We Want on DVD" Poll

    One I just saw, and definitely needs to be on dvd: The Major & the Minor (1942)
  2. george kaplan

    Directors The Massive All-New "Movies We Want on DVD" Poll

    I was going to do this a long time ago, and got busy with other stuff and never got around to it. :b I figured after all this time, all my choices would have been mentioned, but apparently not, including some surprising ones (e.g., Top Hat) unless I missed them somehow. The only studio I'm...
  3. george kaplan

    Directors The Massive All-New "Movies We Want on DVD" Poll

    I'll be adding a very long list sometime today, although I have to tell you Scott, I typically have no idea which studio even made these films originally, much less which hold the rights now, so I won't be sorting them that way.