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  • Hi Mr. Masters,

    Have you seen this recent tall-peak Blue Mountain sighting? This one is from Kingpins (1987), which was an unsold TV series that first ran as part of the CBS Summer Playhouse cycle.

    ~Ben (ClassicTVMan1981X)
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    That's something I hadn't seen before up to now-- it seems also that the tall-peak Mtn. is out of sync, as the music of it starts on the IAW card (possibly even the Barton Dean logo), and ends before that logo fades out (also love the Serif Gothic font for the end titles here).

    BTW, was Kingpins a sitcom? It looks like it might have been.
    Yes, it was to be a sitcom; the premise was about a father (Dorian Harewood) and his daughter (Marie-Alise Recasner) together running a bowling alley. It finished at 5.4/10 in the ratings.

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