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  • with great quality entertainment,it has that quality perfect entertainment,with great stories,great music,working hand to hand,that delivers movie magic and memories.
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    Reactions: Capt D McMars
    Capt D McMars
    Capt D McMars
    Agreed, and because they are thier own time machines, in relation to us, there are those titiles that lay closer to our hearts than others. Coming from a time of really not having the option of ANY film for personal use, to today with all the options before us as collecters!!! Man, what a wonderful world it is!!
    ...if it pulls you in, you both win!! The power of great story and great music working hand in hand, that delivers a movie greater than it's parts and into our colletive concenousness.
    And it these journeys that keep me searching and sharing the love and facination that I have with these images in a darkened room...the movies, you gotta love it!!
    I have great love of films from silent films through the Golden and Silver ages to the low budget dreamers,trying to share thier visions on a budget and fishing line. Hovering into the stratisphere to amaze and entertain us with stories...mysteries, adventiures, science fiction...
    great collection of comedies,dramas,action,kids/family/mystery/sunspense,etc,there's so many movie that has so many titles.
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