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1080p Front Projectors (1 Viewer)

Tom Pfarr

Oct 14, 2000
Just got my Pearl yesterday. Took about 10 minutes to setup. Nice motorized lens adjustments. Using Da-Lite hi-power screen. Plenty of brightness in low lamp mode with DI in Auto 1.

Using Toshiba XA1 and HTPC (nvidia and MCE) for inputs using 2 count em 2 HDMI inputs.

No problems with HDMI, worked the first time. HPTC capable of 1080@24 over DVI/HDMI.

So what does it look like out of the box?

Basically the best picture I've ever seen anywhere. This thing is a work of art. Contrast is fantastic. The resolution is almost painful to see. You'll discover fresh new details in everything you watch.

Upconverted DVD's look great. HD-DVDs are what they are, the best thing we've had yet.

Sea Biscuit in HD-DVD shows the most detailed picture yet with the texture of fabrics just a joy to behold.

Good old Dark City nows looks like a dark city with fantastic detail in the blacks.

OTA HDTV looks great and now with no overscan you see even more.

Must stop to take a breath!

Parker Clack

Schizophrenic Man
Senior HTF Member
Jun 30, 1997
Kansas City, MO
Real Name

So did you compare the "Pearl" to the "Ruby" before you bought the Pearl? What made you decide to go with the Pearl instead? You know I am very jealous of you right now. :) Hears to watching some of the best looking front projection you have ever seen for now and the foreseeable future.

Nikki and Jack:

I have had Def Tech speakers for about 18 years now and they sound as good today as they did then. What model speakers did you get?



Senior HTF Member
Deceased Member
Jul 3, 1997

Thanks for the initial impressions report. I really appreciate your taking the time to post here since I'm sure you find it hard to take your eyes off the screen! We look forward to further impressions once the "wow!" factor rubs off (if it ever does!). As a former owner of your previous projector as well (the venerable Sony VPL-VW10HT LCD FP) once I saw the VW50 at CEDIA I knew that you would be amazed by how far FPs have advanced in price/performance in the past 7 years. The "Pearl" is actually cheaper than our 10HTs!! And, 1080p/24, no screen door, darker blacks, greater detail, etc. etc. (The reference to "Dark City" didn't escape me since it provides a great way to check out details in the blacks. Nice comment!)

One last question - did you have the Sony PSS-610 (I think that's the part number) mount for your VPL-VW10HT? And, if so, does it work with the VPL-VW50 as the literature suggests? That makes an upgrade from a VW10HT to a VW50 almost a no-brainer.


Once again, thanks for the comments. Keep 'em coming as you find out even more about your new FP. As I always say, there is absolutely nothing better than comments from people who actually own a piece of equipment rather than second or third hand information.

:emoji_thumbsup: :emoji_thumbsup:

Tom Pfarr

Oct 14, 2000

I've seen the Ruby correctly setup and the Pearl looks identical in overall characteristics of detail and colors. I came to within one inch of getting a Ruby last year but I could not justify the lamp price and the very large size of the unit for my use. Those were deal breakers for me. Waiting a whole year for the Pearl was difficult but in the end I saved money and got just what I wanted. Can't beat that.

The Pearl is much smaller and the lamp is a known entity. It is also brighter than the Ruby but again in my usage that is not really a discriminator. The 2 hdmi inputs on the Pearl are perfect for me with the HD-DVD player and HTPC with digital inputs. Also leaves me the component inputs for my XBOX!

For the me the Pearl is the perfect combination of form factor, quality and features that are important to me.

Tom Pfarr

Oct 14, 2000


I did not check on the mount, I can easily do that this evening. But I believe you are correct that it has the same mounting holes. I'll let you know.

Tom Pfarr

Oct 14, 2000

I know for certain that no screen shot with uncalibrated equipment can remotely show what this projector looks like in "real life". It's that detailed.

What really pops out on the HD-DVD's that I've seen is the fine surface textures of clothing. I've always known that a lot of effort goes into movie costume design but I realize now that I've never really seen it. It adds a whole new dimension to the viewing experience. I've never seen this level of detail in 720p projectors.

Tom Pfarr

Oct 14, 2000
I keep forgetting to say that this projector is also totally silent. You have to put your ear on the case to hear the fans running.

Tom Pfarr

Oct 14, 2000

On Sony Style the specifications show the following for the vw50:

Optional Accessories
Ultra High Pressure Replacement Lamp (LMP-H200)
Black Ceiling Mount (PSS-610)
White Ceiling Mount (PSS-H10)

So the mount really is the same as the 10ht (and ruby too!).


Parker Clack

Schizophrenic Man
Senior HTF Member
Jun 30, 1997
Kansas City, MO
Real Name

Screen shots would still be nice though. :)

I am personally waiting on the DVD players and video cards to come down in price so I can upgrade my HTPC. I saw a nice Toshiba laptop that had built in HD DVD that would make for a great HTPC.

Congrats on your purchase. I really miss my FP.


Senior HTF Member
Deceased Member
Jul 3, 1997

Now we'll have to get you to start thinking about a good external video processor like the DVDO iScan VP50 when your list of equipment grows. You can justify this with some of the money you saved by not getting the "Ruby" last year.

:laugh: :laugh:

Seriously, it sounds as though the "Pearl" is a perfect fit for your needs right now. And I have no doubt that its internal processing is excellent in today's market. And another benefit of having 1080p inputs on your 1080p display is the ability to later add an external processor if your connection needs grow and as scaling/deinterlacing technologies improve. In other words, not only is your new projector an excellent performer, but it has the ability to ward off obsolescence with its configuration.

If you are interesting in seeing more about this topic (rather than repeating a lot of the specs and rationalization here) take a look at the Outboard Video Processors Thread in this CEDIA section.

Your new FP now officially blows the socks off my Runco. And you didn't have to answer any Film Trivia questions!


Tom Pfarr

Oct 14, 2000

Justification? We don't need no stinking justification!

I did mention to my Wife that I was getting a new projector someday. I did not tell her I got the projector yesterday, I just have it all setup and sitting there in plain view. I'm wondering how long it will be before she notices that it is a new one! The processor would be a lot simpler hidden in a cabinet.

Yeah that image on the Pearl really needs some work so I NEED more power!


Senior HTF Member
Deceased Member
Jul 3, 1997
I guess to the "untrained" eye, the case for the the VPL-VW50 doesn't look all that different than the VPL-VW10HT, right?

:laugh: :laugh:

Seriously, you would be a better judge than I since you took down the VW10HT and hoisted the "Pearl" - Are they about the same size? When looking at the VW50 I tried to visualize it in comparison to the 10HT (from memory, of course). I suspect that since they use the same mount they are comparable in size and form factor, or am I mistaken?

The little woman will never notice! ;)

Tom Pfarr

Oct 14, 2000

Yes they look almost the same in LxWxH other than the top of the vw50 has more of a curve to it. Otherwise it's like an updated 10HT. The inputs are on the opposite side of the case which for me is better but if you had short cables might be an issue.

I'll try to post a side by side picture of the 10HT and the vw50 tonight.

Nikki M

Sep 18, 2006
Real Name
Nikki M

We got the 7002 towers, the Procenter 1000 & the 2x bipolar rears. We started out w/ a sub too, but after spending time w/ the salesman (who was very knowledable about Def Tech) decided to forgo the sub for now. We can add one later if we feel we will need it. I really liked the detail you could hear w/ the 7002s.

We still haven't done anything about the screen yet. It seems to me that when we get closer to having the whole room designed we'll have a clearer idea of what way to go. I'm considering doing the screen Goo thing as an interim screen....would rather spend $200 on paint than spend $1000-2000 and get the wrong thing. Since the whole room needs to be designed and put together (equipment placement,curtains, lighting, seating), I don't think we can make a screen choice. At least, I can't seem to make one!

Has anyone done the Goo?


Jack Hogoboom

Sep 18, 2006
Real Name

The Ruby is available on-line for $6,500. The Pearl is lised around $5,000. Does anyone think the $1,500 difference is worth choosing the Ruby over the Pearl? My impression is that the Pearl may still be a better value. Sales guy I talked to said the Pearl uses a cheaper lens than the Ruby and thus may not be as sharp. From Tom's comments, it sounds like the sales guy may be mistaken and/or it just doesn't matter.

I have been scratching my head over the DefTech speakers. I am thinking about Mythos 2s, a Mythos 3 center and the mid-level sub (I forget the designation). I'm thinking about bi-polar surrounds. The website is very confusing because they talk about speaker "systems" and there seems to be a better price for a "system", but they don't really seem to offer a "system." I'm hoping some kind reseller will cut me a package deal on everything.

Here's what I've speced out:

Sony Pearl/Ruby
120" Stewart Studiotek 130
Denon 2807 (thanks for the recommendations)
DVDO VP50 (thanks again, the combined price is less than the Denon 4806CI)
DefTech Mythos speakers

I am hoping some sharp bargaining will deliver all of the above for around $15,000.

Thanks again for all the advice.


P.S. Tom, who did you buy your Pearl from that you got it so fast?


Senior HTF Member
Deceased Member
Jul 3, 1997

Thanks for the shots of the "Pearl" and the "Diamond" side by side. That sure brings back a lot of memories for me! And it also puts into perfect perspective the size of both items.

Interesting about the jacks moving over to the "other" side on the Pearl. After my original VW10HT, my Runco had the jacks on the back instead of the side. Now the "Pearl" moves them 90 degrees more. Ring around the FP!


At least my next FP won't continue the progression or I'll have cables blocking the lens!

:laugh: :laugh:

On a more serious note, even though the position of the jacks is not that big a deal and I don't have any cable length issues I personally wish the cables were on the same side as with the VW10HT. That's the side away from my theater entrance and the cables and jacks are all but invisible to people entering the HT. With the current position of the jacks on the Pearl the cabling will be in full view. Not quite as "neat" an appearance, but perhaps a bit more techo?

Keep those personal observations coming.

:emoji_thumbsup: :emoji_thumbsup:

Nikki M

Sep 18, 2006
Real Name
Nikki M

Oops! Scratch that Procenter 1000....that was the sub we returned. The center is the c/l/r 2300. We went so many rounds w/ the configuration that I got the models mixed up.

Was wondering if anyone is in the Denver area and might know an installer they could recommend?


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