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Robert Harris

Senior HTF Member
Feb 8, 1999
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Robert Harris
There are certain film that one just "knows" will never show up on a 4k disc, and Killer Klowns from Outer Space is one of them.

This 1988 horror / comedy / sci-fi epic was produced, written and directed by every member of the Chiodo klan.

Reportedly produced on a two million dollar budget, and shot in and around Watsonville and Santa Cruz, California, it remains a fan favorite, although reviews are all over the place. It is both loved and hated by critics.

I saw is aeons ago, possibly via one of the 32" Edison Video Cylinders, and I was not impressed. Detail and colors were meh at best, and I could wait for the cylinder to wind down.

But now something odd and unexpected has occurred in the alien universe. Scream Factory has acquired a 4k scan, packaged it with extras and seemingly gone whole hog, adding Dolby Vision and a DTS-HD MA 5.1 track, presumably returning to original audio and giving the old Dolby Digital master an upgrade.

It's like seeing the film for the first time.

On top of that, they created what can only be referenced as a "Collectible" Steelbook, that may become one of the major Steelbook investments of 2024. Design, lurid colors and reflectivity combine for a gorgeous package.

As a two-disc set, it appears to be an achievement pushed by someone at Shout who must love the film.

The problem that one encounters, however, is that this newish 4k scan is so beautifully crafted that it reduces the schlock value of the production, and raises it to studio level.

Color, overall resolution, black levels, shadow detail and grain structure are all superb

Still scratching my head on this one, but if you're a fan best to step up to the plate unless you want to be searching the bay for "investment" copies.

An absolutely gorgeous new 4k for a film that never asked to be one. As to the filmmakers, you can find Stephen Chiodo's work as animation director for the recent Marcel the Shell with Shoes On, and Edward is Animation Producer.

Image – 10 (Dolby Vision)

Audio – 10 (DTD-HD MA 5.1)

Pass / Fail – Pass

Plays nicely with projectors - Yes

Makes use of and works well in 4k - 7.5

Upgrade from Blu-ray - Absolutely

Worth your attention - If you're a fan

Slipcover rating - 7.5



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Senior HTF Member
Mar 29, 2020
Hamster Shire
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This was one of those films that I'm glad I saw back when it first came into existence. It was schlockingly amusing, but it's not something I've ever felt compelled to revisit. And, yes, it's one of those titles that prompts me to say, "If they'll release this on UHD, they'll release anything on UHD."

But I'm happy for the folks who will snap this up in a heartbeat. Enjoy!

Scott Merryfield

Senior HTF Member
Dec 16, 1998
Mich. & S. Carolina
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Scott Merryfield
I wonder how this compares to the Blu-ray released by MGM in 2012? I have that disc, and thought it looked pretty good. I cannot see spending major $$$ on a 4K upgrade. The film is fun, but not anything I need in 4K.


Supporting Actor
Aug 1, 2020
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The Arrow Blu-ray was already a noticeable upgrade over the 2012 MGM version, so there's definitely room to grow from there without even making the leap to 4K. And a good HDR grade in 4K could really make Killer Klowns sing.

My copy is on the way, and I can't wait.


Aug 3, 2018
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I wonder how this compares to the Blu-ray released by MGM in 2012? I have that disc, and thought it looked pretty good. I cannot see spending major $$$ on a 4K upgrade. The film is fun, but not anything I need in 4K.
this blows the blu ray into outer space. no comparison. get this one. its stunning in dolby vision

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