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Children of Dune 5/20 (1 Viewer)

David Lambert

Senior HTF Member
Aug 3, 2001
Gord and I had noticed this the other day, and were gonna add it to TVShowsOnDVD.com this coming weekend. At the time, the entry had precious little information, and no cover art. Glad to see it's got more now:

SRP: $26.98
1.85:1 Widescreen
English, Dolby Digital (that's all it says right now)
Running Time: 266 minutes
No supplements listed yet other than that it's a 2-disc set. I assume it will be thinner on the extras, since the previous series' SE was just a half hour longer but used 3 discs.

Here's the cover art...nice! I enjoyed the previous miniseries, so I'm looking forward to seeing if this one is just as good:



Stunt Coordinator
Mar 23, 2001
Wow, good news indeed. Since I don't get Sci-Fi anymore I was hoping for a quick release on DVD. Though it being a 2-Disk set instead of a 3 suggests it'll be pretty much a bare bones release, have to wait and see but i'll be happy nevertheless just to see what looks like a very good follow up to Sci-Fi's Dune.

Steve Schaffer

Senior HTF Member
Apr 15, 1999
Real Name
Steve Schaffer
Will this be an initial non-anamorphic release followed later by an anamorphic SE? They did this with Dune, much to my annoyance.

David Lambert

Senior HTF Member
Aug 3, 2001

Artisan got a lot of shit from consumers and reviewers for this situation with the first one, so I think they are anxious to avoid a repeat. DVDPlanet now states specifically that CoD will be 16x9 anamorphic, so that's a done deal.

As for lack of supplements on this one: The show starts on SciFi Sunday March 16th, according to that website which has a bunch of nifty supplements there right now: "Features", "Trailers", "About Dune", "Dune Family Tree", "Image Gallery", "Downloads", "Behind the Scenes of CoD by the Director", "Questions with John Harrison", and "Video Interview with the Exec. Producer". Now, these things right there could be put onto the DVDs without too much effort, but perhaps Artisan won't commit to that until they see how well the ratings are. Or perhaps they DO want to save them for a future SE. I don't know.

OTOH, as a consumer I'm not sure how much more I would get out of such supplements, having watched all the ones on the SE of the first series. Is there really more info that's different with this production.

The answer is: probably, yes. Especially when you consider that different things happen, that there's always a story behind packing two novels into one feature, and that the cast is slightly different (Susan Sarandon!). Yeah, I hope that some of this makes it onto the DVD. But just in case it doesn't, I find time this weekend to go to that site and watch all the stuff I mentioned above. :D

Jesse Blacklow

Senior HTF Member
Oct 14, 2002
Don't forget that the second release was also a Director's Cut. I'm hoping they'll upgrade to Dolby-EX and dts-ES for this one.

Jeff Kohn

Supporting Actor
Dec 29, 2001
Well I'm glad to see the DVD is coming out so soon after the broadcast. I'd much rather watch a widescreen DVD with Dolby Digital sound than the over-compressed crappy signal we get from SciFi over satellite.

The only question is, will this be the only release or will there be a special edition director's cut later. I don't care so much about special features, but if there's going to be a director's cut I'd rather have that.

And I somehow don't think this is a title I'm going to be willing to double-dip on. With the first mini-series I canceled my order when I found out it was non-anamorphic DD2.0, so I was able to wait and purchased the director's cut.

Grant H

Senior HTF Member
Jul 24, 2002
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Grant H
Yup, I'll wait on a SE with Director's Cut and DTS too. Still don't know who to hand-down my original release to. My dad wasn't too thrilled with it, and I still haven't bothered to watch all my SE release...just the "good parts" so far.

Man, I'm lame.

Personally, I'm still hoping for a SE of David Lynch's Dune,the one with the sonic weapons instead of mystical (perhaps super-Jedi-like) kung fu. I haven't read much of the book, but weren't the Weirding modules (excuse what I'm sure is the wrong spelling) in the book?
I think they tried too hard at times to be different from the Lynch version, sometimes at the expense of being different from the book (though I know the miniseries includes much more of the story overall than the Lynch version).

Jeff Kleist

Senior HTF Member
Dec 4, 1999
Try not to get hung up on such details as whether the twins are too old or too young, the eyes are too blue or not blue enough, or that the book says this and we did that. You'll end up robbing yourself of a great experience
Sounds like "We blasphemed, and we want you to forget that and enjoy all the parts we made up" NOTHING DOING!

Adam Lenhardt

Senior HTF Member
Feb 16, 2001
Albany, NY
Joel: Jeff's this obsessive about pretty much all adaptations and translations. If it bothers you, just do what I do and ignore it. It's one of his many fascinating character quirks.

Jeff Kleist

Senior HTF Member
Dec 4, 1999
Adam, I've never been called fascinating before :)

I don't know if that's good or bad :)

I just don't know what's so hard about doing it right when it's actually more difficult to do it wrong.

Adam Lenhardt

Senior HTF Member
Feb 16, 2001
Albany, NY
I tend to prefer the more the more accurate adaptations myself, but I'm more than willing to go for the ride if the adaptation is an interesting enough take on the material. And I wouldn't call it bad... just different.


Supporting Actor
Jun 20, 2002
I didn't get the first Dune miniseries until a director's cut SE came out. There might be one for Children too, as each episode again was most likely trimmed to fit 15 minutes of stupid ads into each hour.
Still, if no new announcement is released by 5/20 I'll buy this one.

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