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HD-DVD to be shown in NJ..... (1 Viewer)

DaViD Boulet

Senior HTF Member
Feb 24, 1999
Dan speaks the TRUTH!

Dan, if it were up to me I'd put you in charge of all the HD transfers by every studio...they'd all have to pass your "DAN" certification process (leaving that THX logo a long forgotten memory)...


Dan Hitchman

Senior HTF Member
Jun 11, 1999
The D.A.N. Certification, if you will.


Seriously, I would love to be able to be an outsider who could whip these studios into shape. Hell, they charge enough for their products, and make us jump through more and more hoops to watch them not to do it right!


Senior HTF Member
Mar 29, 2000
Hollywood, California
Real Name
Too bad Twister dropped off. That was a symbolic release given that this summer is the 10th anni of its theatrical release and it was amongst WHV's first batch of SD DVDs.


Supporting Actor
Jun 13, 2002
Sorry for the double post in the other thread, this is where this belongs, however...

I went to the HD-DVD roadshow last night at an Ultimate Electronics here in Las Vegas. They had the higher priced player hooked up via HDMI to a Toshiba DLP. The colors were so cranked up on the display it was distracting. The audio levels for the channels were inconsistent and the bass was so high it was causing the track lighting in the room to rattle. At one point, the Toshiba rep paused on a frame of King Kong's face to show all of the detail, which is impressive. However, I could see something that appeared to be aliasing or compression underneath Kong's eye!

As enthused as Toshiba seems to be, it doesn't feel like the product is a month from launch. I asked the Tosh rep if the player was a production model, and he said it was one of 22 demos touring right now. Once the roadshow is over, they all go back and the roll out begins. I asked him if they had any finalized discs, and he said they hadn't been provided yet.

This is very disheartening with the launch so close. Six months ago, Sony came to RC Wiley here to show off the SXRD and a BR player. Six months ago, the Sony display was equal to what Tosh showed off last night...SIX MONTHS AGO.

As excited as I am about these new formats, I am now more hesitant...

DaViD Boulet

Senior HTF Member
Feb 24, 1999

thanks for sharing your impressions--

This has been the case all along with everything. And yet the masses continue to act as though Toshiba is ahead in the game with Blu-ray lagging behind.

If we just stop and think about it, this Toshiba traveling road-show means NOTHING and is of NO SIGNIFIGANCE at all. Sony has had split-screen HD/DVD demos going for over a year using a prototype Blu-ray player and demo disc (saw it a year ago at the Sony store in NYC) and this is *literally* all that Toshiba is managing to put together for this HD DVD debut.

No website went nuts talking about the gorgeous picture of the LAW and Spiderman split-screen Blu-ray demo and yet now suddenly all sources are acting like Toshiba is demonstrating HD DVD as though it's in ready-to-launch-form.

I think I'll grab that Sony demo and take it on the road and demonstrate to the world how BD is ready to launch too!


Sony has actually tried to be forth-right about their production schedule, and Toshiba has constantly tried to sway everyone with false promises and pretend deadlines...that have been constantly moving.

The only area Sony has really had to pull back on their original word is the release schedule for the PS3, and even then they've always been pretty vauge regardless. Also, it seems with the PS3 there are real issues that have delayed beyond their original projection, which is different than Toshiba which has knowingly promised things that were impossible to deliver at the time the statements were made.

Even Toshiba's last-ditch effort to get HD DVD out ahead of Blu-ray Disc is only being accomplished by slashing features and quality on their first production units so that they aren't even performing to HD DVD specs.


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