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3D Blu-ray Review Inside Out: THE HTF 3D ADDICT REVIEW (1 Viewer)

Ronald Epstein

Senior HTF Member
Jul 3, 1997
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Ronald Epstein

What can I say? I love 3D! From the moment I began watching 3D content in my home I quickly discovered that I needed more content. I suspect that those of you just purchasing your first 3D hardware will acquire the same ferocious appetite. That's why I became the HTF 3D ADDICT. I personally love images that pop off the screen and come inches away from your face without becoming overly gimmicky. However, I certainly appreciate the nature documentaries that offer beautiful depth and separation. These are not necessarily reviews of the film themselves. I am not going to concentrate on story or supplements -- you can find the 2D reviews elsewhere on this forum. My job is to let you know exactly what kind of 3D experience to expect from the titles that are being released. As I will be receiving a handful of new product from the studios expect to see more title coverage.


Studio: Walt Disney
Product Release: November 3, 2015
Ratio: 1.78:1
Audio: 7.1 DTS-HD MA
Running Time: 95 minutes
Rating: PG-13

On A Scale 0-5

Overall 3D Presentation Rating: 3.5
3D Separation: 4
3D In Yo' Face Factor: 0

Leave it to Pixar to keep reinventing the animation wheel with yet another highly innovative, intelligent, ambitious and heartfelt effort that promises to delight all who watch. It's the kind of achievement that makes us quickly forgive the animators for creating Cars 2.

I mean, what a fantastic concept Pixar came up --- taking us into the mind (aka "headquarters") of an 11-year old girl named Riley (voice by Kaitlyn Dias) where we meet the 5 feelings (Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust and Anger) that drive her daily emotions. There are no villains in the film, so to speak, but rather many complications that all of us endure in life that contribute to our subconscious, memories and dreams.

As a little girl, Riley is dominated by feelings of Joy (voiced by Amy Poehler). However, when her life is suddenly interrupted by a move from the country to the big city of San Francisco, she experiences a multitude of alternate emotions including Fear (voiced by Bill Hader), Disgust (voiced by Mindy Kaling), Sadness (voiced by Phyllis Smith of "The Office") and Anger (wonderfully voiced by Lewis Black). Slowly, Riley's emotions get out out control as her life is dominated with anguish amongst her unfamiliar and imperfect surroundings. The results of a total personality collapse causes Joy and Sadness to be expelled to the farthest reaches of Riley's inner memories. With Fear, Disgust and Anger left in control it's only a matter of time until Riley breaks down completely.

Inside Out is directed by Peter Docter who brought us Monsters Inc. and Up. He and his writers have done an exceptional job of bringing us a though-provoking animated film that all of us can totally relate with. Emotions guide our awareness of the world, our inner memories, and our values of right and wrong. These are the things that enable us to make adequate decisions to situations happening around us. One of the most brilliantly conceived scenes I have ever watched in a Pixar movie takes place at the dinner table. We are taken into the emotional mind centers of Mother, Daughter and Father during a typical family spat. It's an absolutely hilarious interaction between an angry daughter, a doting mother and a Dad who likes to daydream about hockey. Can anyone relate?!

Watching Inside Out on the home projected screen is a dazzling 1080p revelation with its eye-popping, perfectly saturated colors, inky blacks and highly detailed imagery. This is an absolutely flawless presentation that further illustrates Pixar's wondrous animation.

Unfortunately, once again, the animators decided to play it safe in their 3D representation of the film. There is absolutely no pop-out to be found anywhere here. Instead Inside Out is all about depth. Fortunately, the transfer boasts a terrific level of depth and dimensionality that manages to immerse the viewer in Riley's inner and outer world thanks to cleverly layered animation. One of my favorite scenes takes place near the end of the film where a saddened, run-away Riley is walking down a grayed San Francisco street. That scene is expertly layered, and the depth of the road ahead of her almost seems infinite. In all, not nearly one of the best 3D films out there, but effective enough that it draws us further into the story.

Adding to the total level of immersion is the film's invigorating 7.1 soundtrack which surrounds the viewer with an array of effects that pan wonderfully across the entire sound stage. At almost any given time, you can point out distinct sounds around you. The mix makes terrific directional use of voices, emanating from a particular speaker pending on the perspective of the character. The most notable aspect of the film's immersive experience comes courtesy of Michael Giacchino's beautiful score. It manages to drench the viewer in warm tones that underline the many emotions being portrayed on screen. Play this film loud and get absorbed in the experience.

The Ultimate Collector's Edition of Inside Out arrives as a 5-disc (BD, 3D BD, extra features BD and DVD) set in lenticular cardboard packaging. There is also the inclusion of a digital HD copy. The set also comes with a large array of added features that give viewers insight not only into the making of the film but the fascinating workings of our mind.


Pixar has positively hit the ball out of the park with its execution of Inside Out. It's warm, full of nostalgia, and reminds us how we need to hold on to the good memories and even embrace the bad ones. Once those memories are gone --- it's forever.

A simply marvelous 3D presentation and equally terrific 7.1 mix that manages to envelop the viewer further into the story. This is simply one of the best Pixar films to date that needs to be experienced with family and friends.

Oh...watch this through the end credits. Priceless!

Images are for illustrative purpose only not representative of the picture quality of this disc.


Sony HW55ES Front Projector calibrated by Gregg Loewen, Lion AV
Oppo BDP-93 3D Blu-ray Player
Denon 3311CI Receiver
Atlantic Technology H-PAS AT-1 fronts, 4400 center; 4200 rear side and back speakers
SV Sound Subwoofer




Robert Crawford

Senior HTF Member
Dec 9, 1998
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I'm looking forward to receiving my copy from Target. As to pop-out 3-D, I don't necessary need that to enjoy a really good 3-D presentation.


Senior HTF Member
May 9, 2002
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Cameron Yee
It was kind of cool seeing Docter working in the Disney Archives while we were touring the studio.

We still need to see this film, but it's definitely on our short list.


All Things Film Junkie
Senior HTF Member
Jul 30, 2003
North of the 49th
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Stephen J. Hill
Watched Lava and the first few minutes of this last night. The depth is excellent, and both play with one of my favourite non-pop-out 3D tropes: what I describe as a forward tracking shot, or the "roller coaster effect", where you are propelled through the scenery at varying speeds. This was my first kind of exposure to 3D, through the opening credits of Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone, which combined this effect as applied to a starfield, with the title of the film popping out at the bottom of the screen. While I generally am not a fan of 3D for 3D's sake, I found the use of 3D here to be fairly organic.

Side note: Pete Docter has shown himself to consistently be one of the more innovative directors at Pixar, working with fairly high concept ideas while bringing in the magic of computer animation judiciously.


HW Reviewer
Senior HTF Member
Oct 5, 2005
Lee Summit, Missouri
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This is one of my two favorite films of the year. I flip back and forth right now, but I think this tells a pretty powerful, deep story you don't often get out of films.. animated or not. This is a great look at what makes us who we are.. I really, really love this film.

Jonathan Perregaux

Senior HTF Member
Oct 10, 1999
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Jonathan Perregaux
Blew me away. I don't make this claim lightly, nor do I enjoy repeating myself, but I'll reiterate: Blew me away.

If only it had a gratuitous rubber paddle ball sequence, it would be a perfect 3-D film. Kidding!

Jeff S in NJ

Stunt Coordinator
Feb 3, 2016
Northern NJ
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Jeff Sumberg
watched this tonight. yep, Pixar does it again. Great story and perfect 3D. When done right 3D is a joy to watch.

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