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Is there a replacement disc program for the M*A*S*H complete series collection? (1 Viewer)


Senior HTF Member
Dec 31, 2008
North Country
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I got this as a gift several years ago. It was well known for the horrible packaging that didn't keep the discs secure and sure enough there were lots of "floaters" when I opened it. I went through each disc and the first episode seemed to play just fine and then I put it away since I had just recently went through the series on a tv channel. Flash forward several years later where the mood hit to go through this. I got through the first five seasons just fine. But a season 6 disc has issues past the first episode which plays just fine. I can't even get at least one of the episodes to start while others freeze and get stuck. Is there an avenue to get a replacement disc from FOX? Perhaps even an official program for this widespread issue? I know I'm a few years behind but they still sell individual season sets of this series and I made a good faith attempt to confirm everything was okay when I first recieved it. And we're talking about nearly a dozen seasons after all so it's not as if any sane person would quickly breeze through it all immediately after getting it... If there wasn't/isn't such a thing, does someone have an email contact for someone a bit higher up there? Beyond official disc replacement programs, my only experience with an issue that i contacted a publisher over was contacting Shout Factory's customer support when a season of Adam-12 arrived with those little pieces of plastic that hold a disc secure mostly broken off and the only one that was intact still wouldn't hold the disc. After being fed up with issues with every release I get from them with those cases, I contacted them and was told I was up the creek without a paddle (Although thankfully they seemed to go with more sturdy and solid construction after a few years). So I suspect if there isn't something specifically set up for this issue, I'm going to be told similarly if I just contact their customer support line. Hence this thread inquiring about it. :)


Senior HTF Member
Dec 31, 2008
North Country
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Forgot to ask, were the labels for the discs identical to these in the standalone sets? In case I have to go that avenue to get a working copy of this disc (Which I'm really not fond of doing just because of one of the most horrible packaging designs in history to get something I'm supposed to already own that was far from cheap to purchase), it would be nice if it at least matched the other discs in this set.


Second Unit
Jan 30, 2003
I don't remember any replacement program offered for scratched/scuffed discs. The disc artwork for the individual sets is identical to what is in the Martinis set.


Supporting Actor
Mar 25, 2008
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Richard Gregory
If it's the scratches causing the problems then you could send the disc away to a professional repolishing service. If they are a decent outfit, they use a machine which has a sapphire blade that removes a few microns of the plastic on the clear side. The plastic on that side is quite thick so this can actually be done several times. This usually takes the surface below the level of the scratch and restores it to an "as new" condition (but a bit thinner) If the scratch penetrates too deep, especially if it;s actually hit the data layer, the disc is a write off. Here in the UK at least, some public libraries can do this, because they themselves loan/rent lots of DVD's and people are careless with them. OUr local Blockbuster stores also did this. So you could ask at your library or even at a University since they often have large media departments. They either have the facilities inhouse, or can recommend a service to use. I expect Google could find you a CD/DVD cleaning/repair/repolishing company. There must surely be at least one in a place as large as the USA. There were several here in the little old UK! Sometimes light scratches can be removed by a home user but I think paying a few dollars to have it done properly is worth it. Espescially as the DVD in question is part of a large boxset and thus not easily replaced.

Traveling Matt

Supporting Actor
Sep 1, 2006
I'm still somewhat surprised the studios got away with these types of releases. It was obvious packaging shortchanged the very purpose of these collections, which is access to every episode. And I don't know that I've seen a single one done right. Anyway, if I were you, I would just look to replace what is needed through the budget season set re-releases that were issued later. Used copies (sealed) on Amazon are about $10-15 per. Here's Season 6 for twelve bucks: http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B001DMVZLM/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&condition=new

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