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Just got the BD of Springsteen: Live In Dublin... OOF! (1 Viewer)

Dave Mack

Senior HTF Member
Jan 28, 2002
Well, I got it yesterday. (Early father's day gift, my FIRST! )
and MAN, what a dissapointment in the PQ. Ok, I know they went for a darker look in the concert lighting then say, the PBS show in London but even then it looks REALLY dark. Like the cameras were stopped down a bit (or done in post production) It has that "shot on video but processed to look like film frame rate" thing going and it is VERY soft. I mean, VERY. Longshots have virtually no detail, just a blur. Looks not just like a DVD but a mediocre one. About on par with the image quality of Live in Barcelona and not as good as the Live at MSG DVD! The bit rate was very healthy, in the upper 20's and going over 30 quite often so I honestly think that when they did post production they just filtered the HELL out of it. Perhaps because the lighting was so dim they had the cameras' irises WIde open and that produced video digital noise and they wanted to get rid of it. I don't know. All in all, I could not believe this was a BD 1/2 the time. It literally looks like a mediocre, very filtered DVD. Honestly. I would LOVE to hear the explanation.
The audio on the other hand was superb and the concert was very good but the PQ just...

When the non techie fiancee actually says (after having seen the PBS show in HD)
"Is this Blu Ray? It looks blurry." then you KNOW something is rotten in denmark.
Honestly, "The Last Waltz" and even the concert sequences (not the 16mm doc. stuff) in "Rattle and Hum" look much better!

But my childhood friend Sam Bardfeld (lived in same bldg. with me and went to the same high school) plays his ASS off on the fiddle. Great show!


Jeff Adkins

Senior HTF Member
Sep 18, 1998
Tampa, FL
Real Name
Jeff Adkins
While I haven't seen the disc personally, I have heard nothing but bad things about this disc. I have a friend who has it and he said it was one of the worst he'd seen.

Dave Mack

Senior HTF Member
Jan 28, 2002
If it had been just a DVD, it would have been ok but a bit disappointing. As a BD, it is unacceptable IMHO.
Especially after all the "Shot with 9 HD cameras!!!! yada, yada..."
If you're going to process and filter it down to sub DVD quality, why bother? I have shot mini-DV footage of events, gigs and plays with my Sony vx2000 prosumer camera in SD that blows this way, way, WAY out of the water.

Once again. Not knocking the concert, Springsteen or anything just the crap production of the BD.

Springsteen and the fans deserve WAY better.

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