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Weekly RoundUp 6-16-2015 (1 Viewer)


Senior HTF Member
May 7, 2001
Orlando, FL
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I don't know what's new per se, Jake, but from what I'm reading online, nothing new that hasn't been released before. Disc 1 is the original release and Disc 2 has a lot of demos, etc.

Thanks for the tip on the Inside Out CD. I wasn't considering it, but I might just pull the trigger over the weekend.

Mike Frezon

Senior HTF Member
Oct 9, 2001
Rexford, NY
Yeah. Me, too.

Inside Out is a film (like Jurassic World) where I was originally excited to see it...but my enthusiasm was then tamped down when I saw the trailers.

Now I'm getting excited again--especially after I read comment's like Jake's.

Not that PIXAR has ever really disappointed me...

Jake Lipson

Senior HTF Member
Dec 21, 2002
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Jake Lipson
That makes Cinderella easier to wait on, then, honestly. I do eventually want all the Legacy titles, but the ones that are most exciting to me, or most essential for immediate purchase, is where there's a lot of new content. The last couple releases of Cinderella also had a lot of demos as bonus tracks, so they may not even be all that new either. And, for what it's worth, I came home and ordered the Inside Out CD as soon as I got home from seeing the film.

The reason I say "possibly" Pixar's best yet is because I usually come out of any new film loving it, so I will probably need to see it more than once for my opinion to really settle on its place in the Pixar canon, but it's definitely among their more special efforts. Without giving away any spoilers, I loved how unique and imaginative it was. I am also happy to admit that I cried in it, as there are some really emotional moments (and I'm not just saying that to make a pun because it's about emotions, I'm actually serious, they touched on some deep stuff in here in a really inventive and funny way.)

The screening last night was one of those higher-priced Fathom Events shows which included a screening of the movie plus a 20-minute tour of Pixar with the Pete Doctor, the director, and the producer whose name I forget right now, and then a live stream Q&A with Doctor & Amy Pohler after the film. During the tour portion, they walked around and showed us various offices and a lot of employees said hi while they were working on Good Dinosaur and Finding Dory. Good Dinosaur of course has had a highly problematic production period and a year-and-a-half delay as its director was replaced, so I'm hoping it will be good, but we'll see. The fact that that was the only original film they mentioned, while touting the return of Dory and Toy Story (again), was not lost on me, and seeing that right before the explosion of originality that is Inside Out just highlighted how special Inside Out is. (Incidentally, anytime they actually got close to telling us anything real about the upcoming sequels we were quickly walked away from that room -- John Lassater actually held his hand up to the camera to prohibit access to the Toy Story 4 story room.)

The interview with Polher and Doctor at the end was really illuminating, too, although I can't really say anything about it because they discussed the film, including spoilers, in great detail because we all had just watched it.


Senior HTF Member
May 7, 2001
Orlando, FL
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Mike Frezon said:
Not that PIXAR has ever really disappointed me...

Cars 2? ^_^ But generally speaking, I agree.

The Disney Movie Emporium is showing Pocahontas as the next release and doesn't show Toy Story at all. Amazon has a listing for Pocahontas, but no dates and no preorder link (yet).

JakeLip said:
That makes Cinderella easier to wait on, then, honestly. I do eventually want all the Legacy titles, but the ones that are most exciting to me, or most essential for immediate purchase, is where there's a lot of new content. The last couple releases of Cinderella also had a lot of demos as bonus tracks, so they may not even be all that new either. And, for what it's worth, I came home and ordered the Inside Out CD as soon as I got home from seeing the film.

I would normally agree, Jake, but at $14.99 for a set I've never owned, it was a no brainer for me. Same reason I snatched up the Jaws 3-D and Jaws The Revenge discs at the same time...

As a total side note, "This week in movie soundtracks..." should be a regular feature here. LaLaLand Records released an expanded set of AI: Artificial Intelligence this week, too.

Mike Frezon

Senior HTF Member
Oct 9, 2001
Rexford, NY
Jason_V said:
Cars 2? ^_^ But generally speaking, I agree.

It didn't disappoint me at all. Probably because I've never seen it! :biggrin:

Hell, I didn't get around to Cars until years after it's release. I was pleasantly surprised I liked it at all.

Jake Lipson

Senior HTF Member
Dec 21, 2002
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Jake Lipson
Two links of interest. I'm not sure how to HTF-ify this link, but here's Inside Out via Amazon. The MP3s have a total running time of one hour, plus however long the Lava short song is. Considering that the film is an hour and a half, my guess is this is most of the score (I'd have to see it again to recall any cuts, but the cues I remember are on it.)


and also, re: Cars 2 -- as the Honest Trailer for Toy Story says -- their other films are so good we'll give them a pass for it:


Aaron Silverman

Senior HTF Member
Jan 22, 1999
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Aaron Silverman
Before I saw Cars 2, I read an interview with John Lasseter where he said it was intended as an homage to Hitchcockian regular-guy-in-peril films like North by Northwest and to James Bond adventures. And that's exactly what it was. Expecting such, I enjoyed it (aside from being a little disturbed at the level of violence that managed a 'G' rating). I think most people had entirely different expectations for some reason.

Jake Lipson

Senior HTF Member
Dec 21, 2002
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Jake Lipson
The reason Cars 2 had entirely different expectations is because a Hitchcock/Bond homage is in no way related to the world and style they established in the first Cars film. If Pixar wanted to make an homage to those sorts of films, that's cool, but the whole first film was about the charm of small-town life and relaxing and enjoying simple pleasures. The sequel just crapped all over that with a noisy action-adventure that totally shifted the focus away from the heart of the original. It's reasonable to expect a sequel to maintain a consistent stylistic sense with the universe of the first film, and that's what was missing in Cars 2.

Aaron Silverman

Senior HTF Member
Jan 22, 1999
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Aaron Silverman
I see your point, although it could be looked at as a mirror image of the first film -- McQueen going from the fast-paced world of racing to quiet little Radiator Springs, and Mater going from quiet little Radiator Springs to the international fast lane.


Supporting Actor
Jul 10, 2005
Noblesville, Indiana
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I know it's nothing new but damn these stickers that are placed on Blu Ray artwork sleeves! Just bought American Sniper and The Kingsman from Best Buy, got home and then spent 20 mins with Goo Gone getting 3 off the first movie and 2 off the second. Managed to put significant indentations into both covers although there is no loss. But damn :angry:


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