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Where is THE NAKED RUNNER ? (1 Viewer)


Senior HTF Member
Jun 20, 2004
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Richard W
In THE NAKED RUNNER (1967) Frank Sinatra gives one of his best performances as a former spy from WW11 who is now an industrial designer. He travels to Germany with his young son to receive an award, where a former colleague manipulates his psychological profile to coerce Sinatra into committing an assassination. There are double-crosses and triple-crosses as Sinatra begins to figure things out. The film was imaginatively directed by Sidney J. Furie (THE IPCRESS FILE, THE APPALOOSA) and shot on location by Otto Heller. Although not without flaws, THE NAKED RUNNER was a compelling thriller with a memorable performance by Sinatra. After the assassination of his acquaintance Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, Sinatra became uncomfortable with the film and used his clout to have it withdrawn from release. The film has rarely been screened since. It was his third film about political assassination, following SUDDENLY (1954) and THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE (1961).
Times change. THE NAKED RUNNER had a brief VHS release in the early 1990s and then fell back into obscurity again. Wouldn't it be nice if Warner Brothers let this compelling film noir / spy thriller out of the vault?

Alan Tully

Senior HTF Member
Feb 19, 2008
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I haven't seen this one, I remember it doing the rounds at the cinema. I'm thinking it either pops up the the Warner Blu-ray Archive, or it doesn't pop up at all!

Bob Cashill

Senior HTF Member
Aug 15, 2001
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Robert Cashill
Richard--W said:
[After the assassination of his acquaintance Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, Sinatra became uncomfortable with the film and used his clout to have it withdrawn from release.
That's been said of all three films, and has never proven to be true. (CANDIDATE was some sort of rights or distribution spat with UA that was ironed out in 1988, with Sinatra participating in its home video extras.) The post-JFK NAKED RUNNER was a flop that fell into obscurity--has it ever aired on TCM? I'd certainly like to see it.


Senior HTF Member
Dec 13, 2006
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I have seen it on TV - a long, long time ago. I don't remember it as a good film but like everyone else, I haven't seen it for ages.
Yes, it should be back in circulation.


Stunt Coordinator
Jul 9, 2012
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Hey Richard, glad to see this movie mentioned. I like it and have seen it several times because they used to show it on tv in the Bay Area in the early 90s. I think it's an underrated Sinatra movie. For those who haven't seen it, it's along the lines of The Quiller Memorandum and The Ipcress File.


Second Unit
Jun 28, 2011
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Jack Walder
Saw this in a theater when it first came out. Great film.
Special to me for reasons too long to go into here.
Would love to have it on Blu.


Senior HTF Member
Jun 20, 2004
Real Name
Richard W
I can enjoy THE NAKED RUNNER on a purely visual level with the sound turned off. Sidney J. Furie's camera set-ups fascinate me. Every shot is interesting. I want to study his widescreen compositions on a proper blu-ray. It is a compelling thriller but I'm not that interested in the story, really, although I enjoy Sinatra's performance.

Bob Cashill

Senior HTF Member
Aug 15, 2001
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Robert Cashill
Interesting factoid about THE NAKED RUNNER, from a Cinema Retro profile of actor/producer Brad Dexter: "In 1965, Sinatra and Dexter co-starred in “None But the Brave” — Dexter saving Sinatra from drowning on the island of Kauai — and Von Ryan’s Express. The two parted company during Dexter’s debut as a movie producer in London with “The Naked Runner” (1967). According to Dexter, he advised the temperamental Sinatra not to marry much-younger actress Mia Farrow. The film was completed without Sinatra, who quit the production in a fit of anger a few months after his Las Vegas wedding to Farrow."
Full story on the unsung member of THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN linked here: http://www.cinemaretro.com/index.php/archives/7166-BRAD-DEXTER-THE-MAGNIFICENT-SEVEN-CAST-MEMBER-YOU-PROBABLY-CANT-NAME.html

Louis Letizia

Supporting Actor
Oct 10, 2000
Sinatras 3 late in his career WB distributed films: THE NAKED RUNNER ; DIRTY DINGUS MAGEE and THE FIRST DEADLY SIN (technically Filmways which should have made this an MGM property)
DINGUS at least made it to the archives and SIN has had dvd releases , but in barebones full screen additions.
THE FIRST DEADLY SIN is vastly underrated. I think it tanked in theaters because competition in October 1980 was fierce-the majors had at least 3 releases each, some up to six. Add to that more traditional horror movies released thart month, SIN merely got lost in the shuffle.
Id love to see this on Bluray. The died too young David Dukes is very creepy here...and Id love to see the trailer. Is Faye Dunaway the only actress that within a span of 5 years played most of her scenes in bed in 2 movies? Sinatra aint no Robert Redford...but than again, Redford cant sing.


Stunt Coordinator
Jul 9, 2012
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Louis Letizia said:
Sinatras 3 late in his career WB distributed films: THE NAKED RUNNER ; DIRTY DINGUS MAGEE and THE FIRST DEADLY SIN (technically Filmways which should have made this an MGM property)
DINGUS at least made it to the archives and SIN has had dvd releases , but in barebones full screen additions.
THE FIRST DEADLY SIN is vastly underrated. I think it tanked in theaters because competition in October 1980 was fierce-the majors had at least 3 releases each, some up to six. Add to that more traditional horror movies released thart month, SIN merely got lost in the shuffle.
Id love to see this on Bluray. The died too young David Dukes is very creepy here...
I agree with you about The First Deadly Sin, it's an underrated movie.
I finally saw Dirty Dingus Magee on tv a month or two ago. Lois Nettleton is one of my favorite actresses and I thought she was the best thing about it.

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