Search results

  1. davidmatychuk

    Attention Mary Astor and/or Edward Sorel fans; Woody Allen has something for you

    Woody Allen more than rises to the occasion: Fantastic!
  2. davidmatychuk

    Let's help our friend at Hollywood Elsewhere with his Oppo sync problem

    Jeffrey Wells, who maintains the very entertaining "Hollywood Elsewhere" blog, is having sync issues with his Oppo Blu-Ray player. He is frustrated. We can help. Here's his post, from an hour ago: Samsung/Oppo Sound Problems I noticed a month or so ago that the sound is a half-second late when...
  3. davidmatychuk

    What Christmas movies or programs do you always watch on Christmas Day?

    Are there Blu-Rays, DVD's, Laserdiscs, VHS tapes, or any other physical media that you watch, or intend to watch, every Christmas Day? I know that many of us save our favourites for Christmas Day (or Christmas Eve), sometimes to sit down and watch them, and sometimes to use them as background...
  4. davidmatychuk

    Selectavision - because streaming cannot give you that 1982 Home Theatre experience

    I worry sometimes because the Selectavision section in my local Best Buy has shrunk down to invisibility. Did streaming somehow claim its first video format victim more than three decades ago, or did that only happen in that really confusing "Terminator: Genysis" movie? So here I am in 2015...
  5. davidmatychuk

    What are you watching on "Little Christmas" - the 25th of each month

    In 2014, starting in January, I started something I called "Little Christmas" on the 25th of each month. On that day of the month, I would listen to an album or two from my large Christmas music collection, read something Christmas-related from my Christmas book library, and most importantly...