
  1. Ronald Epstein

    Pre-Order Philadelphia: 25th Anniversary Edition (4k UHD) Available for Preorder

    The price link below will take you directly to the product on Amazon. If you are using an adblocker you will not see link. <iframe margin marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frame...
  2. Dick

    Japan's BATTLE IN OUTER SPACE is coming directly from Sony...!

    This would be one title I'd swear, Sony that you would license out, especially since you almost never release the classic titles yourselves anymore. How about giving us some of your really GOOD Sony Pictures Classics, such as GARDEN OF THE FINZI-CONTINIS, BURNT BY THE SUN, etc.?
  3. monsterenergy22

    Sony XBR65X900F bright flash when changing scenes

    Hello, I just got a new Sony XBR65X900F and have been noticing an odd issue with it. The screen will flash/get very bright when switching from a dark to a light scene and vice versa. Its very noticable and bothgersome when watching in a dark room. I have noticed this on both HBO streaming and...
  4. E

    Would these speakers work with my sony soundbar

    Sorry if this was not the right place to post about this I have a sony ht-ct790 soundbar . I got a awesome deal on it and I love it. I saw this at bestbuy the other day these My current set up is...
  5. Robert Harris

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Bad Boys I & II -- in 4k UHD Blu-ray

    As Michael Bay's initial directorial feature effort, Bad Boys wasn't a bad place to begin. Stylish, fast-paced, beautifully photographed (in Toronto dressed as Miami). The initial tale is led by two comic actors, who wise-crack their way through a couple of hours of violence and mayhem...