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Stunt Coordinator
Dec 5, 2021
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You’re all absolutely right! Even though the film was removed from my library I was allowed to redownload the 4K without additional cost. That doesn’t change my feeling about the importance of physical media however.


Supporting Actor
May 4, 2013
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You’re all absolutely right! Even though the film was removed from my library I was allowed to redownload the 4K without additional cost. That doesn’t change my feeling about the importance of physical media however.
There are many benefits to physical media (in this case optical discs). I’m a huge fan. But perpetuity is not one of those benefits.

I own well over a thousand discs. I believe I’ve had perhaps 15 or so go bad. This is a reasonably average rate of which has been well documented. I have almost 800 iTunes films and have never lost one. To date, I don’t believe there is a single confirmed case of someone permanently losing an iTunes purchase. (aside from moving countries as Mark explained so well).


His Own Fool
Senior HTF Member
Aug 18, 2001
The BK
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There are many benefits to physical media (in this case optical discs). I’m a huge fan. But perpetuity is not one of those benefits.

I own well over a thousand discs. I believe I’ve had perhaps 15 or so go bad. This is a reasonably average rate of which has been well documented. I have almost 800 iTunes films and have never lost one. To date, I don’t believe there is a single confirmed case of someone permanently losing an iTunes purchase. (aside from moving countries as Mark explained so well).

We've certainly been promised very long lifespan for disc media, so it's very understandable that most of us expect that in general w/ few exceptions, which seems to be largely true AFAIK.

I have no doubt I probably have at least a small handful of discs go bad (in my 2-3K collection of BDs and DVDs, NVM the nearly 300 4K discs which are probably even more susceptible), but because I really don't actually watch them often enough to know w/ any certainty, I haven't actually experienced any go bad on me so far IIRC. OTOH, I've definitely had plenty of disc players go bad on me though, LOL. And I wouldn't really care if any (remaining) DVDs go bad by this point (as I don't even want to watch almost any of them instead of something in HD or 4K... and there are so much afterall, especially in this era w/ streaming whether subscription or purchased/rentable digitals on top).

So for me, the likely very rare case of a disc going bad is generally no real issue (in the grand scheme of things) either just as there's also no particularly real concern about losing purchased digitals (and I have 1.3K-plus in my iTunes library though many of them were just redemptions from purchased discs).

On both format types, I'm guessing it's actually far more likely that we lose the entire or vast majority of our library whether on disc or in digital than some particularly significant, but not majority, percentage due to some highly unexpected, catastrophic event that may involve losing various other far more important things than our movie collections. So again, likely not quite that big a deal in the grand scheme of things...

In truth, I'm actually far more likely to lose a disc by lending it out or something like that than anything, haha... and yes, I do gladly lend out movies as I love sharing -- and that's definitely a significant part of my original rationale for collecting so many of them -- though most of my friends and acquaintances are not quite that interested to borrow them, especially nowadays w/ the advent and convenience of streaming...

Anyhoo, just enjoy this hobby for what it is and probably don't hold on quite too tightly me thinks. Life is short, and we can't bring any of that w/ us beyond...


Noel Aguirre

Nov 28, 2011
New York City
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I heard of a few people that has happened to. However, it's never happened to me, and I have over 3000 digitals on iTunes alone.
It happened to me too. I had purchased the Family Guy Christmas special episode where Stewie goes to the North Pole many years ago. I wanted to watch it this past holiday and it was gone. And iTunes no longer sells individual Family Guy episodes. My only option I believe to see it was to subscribe to HULU and find it and stream it. Yeah right. I will never buy another iTunes file again. If I bought something I should own it (even though I understand it’s all spelled out in Apple’s fine print Terms of Service which no one reads). What a rip off.its bad enough you can’t give your file to someone else but this is class action suit material IMHO

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