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A Few Words About A few words about...™ Miss Sadie Thompson -- in Blu-ray (1 Viewer)

Robert Harris

Senior HTF Member
Feb 8, 1999
Real Name
Robert Harris
While early 3D was fun for a short period c. 1952-53, for the sheer bravura entertainment factor of having things popped, pushed, dropped and poked into your face, it's something, that at least for me, wore off rapidly.

What I wholeheartedly respect are those filmmakers who made 3D a part of the story-telling, as opposed to an added circus act of prestidigitation.

Dial "M" for Murder comes to mind.

And Curtis Bernhardt's Miss Sadie Thompson is another.

Watching it recently, I was taken in by the subtlety of the use of 3D, most noticeably in rain effects, which seem to add actual depth to a scene.

The rain is important here, as that's really what the film is about, with earlier versions, the silent Raoul Walsh 1928 film, with Gloria Swanson, and the slightly later 1932 sound version, simply titled Rain, directed by Lewis Milestone, and starring Joan Crawford.

Both are available on DVD.

As a 1953 production, the film was shot on an early variant of Eastman 5248, which in later years was highly susceptible to unbalanced fade. The earlier stock seems to have aged better, with color seemingly down evenly.

What we see in Twilight Time's new Blu-ray, is a very nice rendition of the film, as restored by Columbia Pictures, now thankfully, with 3D back in it's proper place.

The original 3-channel tracks are not known to have survived.

Did I mention that this is a Rita Hayworth film?

Image - 4

Audio - 4

4k Up-rez - 5

Pass / Fail - Pass



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