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Paramount+ Evil (Formerly on CBS) (1 Viewer)


Senior HTF Member
Aug 9, 2003
Sunny Central Florida
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Harry N.
Normally something like that would bother me, but in the case of EVIL's girls, it's just cute. Whenever any one of them need to have the floor for themselves, Mom usually gives them that opportunity.

The one think that always happens with kids in a TV series is that they all grew up incredibly over the slowly-produced seasons.

Adam Lenhardt

Senior HTF Member
Feb 16, 2001
Albany, NY
The Bouchard girls succeeded in doing what all of the other forces of good could not: Get Leland's tentacles out of the assessors' operations.

I figured Leland and Sheryl were plotting to have Andy killed, but what they've actually done with him is so much worse.

Seeing what the demonic Kristen actually looks like from Sister Andrea's perspective was something else: A cross between a spider and a mosquito.

Given Sheryl's day job, they're not actually that far off with the demonic algorithm. Why should the forces of evil go through all of the work of actually possessing someone, when so many will do the work for them to get exposure and likes?

The glass-eating girl in the first act was played by Malina Weissman, who was Violet Baudelaire in Netflix's "A Series of Unfortunate Events". A different role here, to say the least.

Adam Lenhardt

Senior HTF Member
Feb 16, 2001
Albany, NY
I was a bit surprised that Lexis didn't have her tail when she accompanied George in her mother's night terror.

While there's no question that the bloodbath resulting from cesarean section via gardening implement was the most horrific visual of tonight's episode, the nightmare of the baby demon suckling on Kristen's tit was somehow more unnerving.

Malcolm R

Senior HTF Member
Feb 8, 2002
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I've watched this show since the beginning, but I'm nearly at the end of my rope with ONE SPECIFIC ASPECT.

The constantly cumulatively screeching daughters feels like a TAX on viewership. It's clearly pointed and purposeful at this point, but I cannot figure the point or purpose. I'm nearly at the point it must be like for epileptics when flashing lights come onscreen whenever there is a scene with them.

The Kings have been doing it since season one; it's obvious they find it most hilarious and a welcome part of Evil's mise-en-scene. I tired of it the second time they used it and have never changed my opinion of it.

Me too. I haven't seen the show since it moved to streaming, but I hated that aspect of the first season. That it continues makes me feel better that I haven't seen any of the last two seasons.

Normally something like that would bother me, but in the case of EVIL's girls, it's just cute.

Obnoxious children are never "cute".


Senior HTF Member
Jul 16, 2003
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As they've grown a bit older now in Season 3, that aspect has been toned down a bit. Personally, I don't see it as "obnoxious" but rather four young girls trying to compete with each other for their mother's attention.
I normally agree that yelling kids are things best avoided but somehow in this show I don't seem to mind it.

Adam Lenhardt

Senior HTF Member
Feb 16, 2001
Albany, NY
Talk about the most horrific possible result for Kristen's missing egg...

The girls used social media to outmaneuver Leland and their grandmother to get their father returned home safely. And now, it appears, he can see demons too.

Lynn is interested in becoming a nun and fighting against the forces of evil. And she isn't really put off by Sister Andrea using a shovel to kill creatures that she can't see.

Sister Andrea comes up with an unorthodox solution to the problem that's been plaguing David each night.

Kristen learns the truth about her mother's new career path.

With no offense to Boris McGiver, swapping him out for Wallace Shawn feels like trading up a bit. I hope Father Ignatius sticks around as the assessors' new minder.

“38 days, woe to Babylon.” Presumably that's how long until the demonic baby is born.

As they've grown a bit older now in Season 3, that aspect has been toned down a bit. Personally, I don't see it as "obnoxious" but rather four young girls trying to compete with each other for their mother's attention.
Sister Andrea certainly wasn't having any of their commotion this week.

Adam Lenhardt

Senior HTF Member
Feb 16, 2001
Albany, NY
Season 4 started shooting today:
(L-R) Skylar Gray as Lila Bouchard, Brooklyn Shuck as Lynn Bouchard, Katja Herbers as Dr. Kristen Bouchard, Maddy Crocco as Lexis Bouchard, Dalya Knapp as Laura Bouchard

Sean Bryan

Sean Bryan
Senior HTF Member
Jun 30, 1997
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I was hoping this was going to be news that the new season was being released soon, but I didn’t realize that it wasn’t finished yet.

Still good news though.

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