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Fox and MTM company. (1 Viewer)


Stunt Coordinator
Nov 4, 2006
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Are any of you guys as upset as me in the way that FOX are releasing shows from the MTM enterprise....
First of all, the Mary Tyler Moore Show, they have stopped and started it, it is a fantastic show I am really disappointed that we wont be seeing any more seasons.
Secondly the Bob Newhart Show again, 4 seasons released no more in sight... Even Bob Newhart commented on this.
Third we have Newhart, will we see any more releases of this great series?
Fourth Rhoda a great show, no news nothing.. Just faded away
Fifth Phyllis again same as Rhoda
Sixth Lou Grant, as above
Seventh Hill Street Blues, released 2 seasons no more in sight. Now every time I buy one of these there is a leaflet inside with a slogan "Bring Back The Good Ole Days" - well FOX how about living up to your slogan and bringing them all back on DVD rather than just MASH.
I am a younger fan of all of these shows and havent seen them before at all, they are not on TV in the UK so I am really disappointed that these great shows are being neglected.
Come on FOX, release them already!!! Especially as Bob Newhart said that amazon are urging them to released more of TBNS.. Any thoughts?

Glenn Curtis

Stunt Coordinator
Sep 11, 2005
I would dearly love Lou Grant to be released.

I have them on tape and have been putting off copying them to DVD; but how long should I wait, I wonder.

I agree, about MTM Show, Hill Street Blues and St Elsewhere (which you don't mention).


Stunt Coordinator
Nov 4, 2006
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Yeah I forgot about St Elsewhere and WKRP, I have put off buying the two purely because of this reason.


Senior HTF Member
Apr 19, 2000
Salinas, CA
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I didn't buy WKRP because the release was the travesty to end all travesties.

Fox seems to hold all its TV catalog properties in contempt or at least take their very existence for granted. They offer Nanny & the Professor on iTunes and hulu.com and obviously did not remaster. They put the pilot for Anna and the King on the 50th Anniversary DVD of The King and I, and it looks like it was run over by a garbage truck. Fans of the Irwin Allen series they own are not exactly thrilled with them either. Everything else is pretty much dead and buried to them, and I would hate to see the MTM library go down that road.

Glenn Curtis

Stunt Coordinator
Sep 11, 2005
Nearly a year on and still no word of Lou Grant coming out - I'm just starting the tortuous process of copying my tapes to DVD.

One episode done, only 113 to go.

Jack P

Senior HTF Member
Apr 15, 2006
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I'd agree with all of what you say except with regard to the Irwin Allen shows. While "Lost In Space" used old masters from the early 90s that were a bit fuzzy they still looked better to those of us who hadn't seen in many years, and the other Allen shows were the only cases of Fox going back and doing new remasterings that looked very good.

Thank goodness "Daniel Boone" was outside their control since the color seasons of that looked spectacular (can't say the same of the first season B/W shows though).

Mr. Ed

Stunt Coordinator
Feb 1, 2009
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Edward Van Fossan
Too many TV shows are left hanging. I think one reason is because there are too many out there. I think TV shows on dvd are the greatest thing since the dvd player. (No pun intended). Perhaps more consumers would help or less TV. I believe there's no balance here. Each studio respectively is testing just how deep the waters flow using every hook available to them. The trouble maybe that not enough of us are biting at this time. I personally enjoy food, a roof over my head and I've crused in some pretty fine rides in my time. While I certainly do my part, not all my funds go to TV shows.

Like most of you, I have incomplete sets. Unlike most of you, I am surely older and may not live to be 100 waiting for the 7th season of All In The Family. Of course this is only an example. We all have them. And if it comes time to boot any of these studioes, well, we'll probably feel like that one legged man in a butt kicking contest.

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