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Blu-ray Review HTF BLU-RAY REVIEW: My Sister's Keeper (1 Viewer)

Mike Frezon

Senior HTF Member
Oct 9, 2001
Rexford, NY
Gotta disagree with you here, Michael. This film's a stinker.

This was a highly anticipated title for my wife, who's a big fan of the book. The writing of this script was quite poor. As a fan of the book, she was EXTREMELY disappointed by the way they re-worked the story. As someone who had never read the book, I was also extremely disappointed in the story. In particular, the way the story was told and the plot secret was revealed was clunky and ineffective.

I kept wondering throughout the film why the sisters never had a conversation about Breslin's character's decision to refuse help. I mean, c'mon...that would be the central point of conflict and the film's not ever going to go there?!? Suspicious. Then, one payphone(!) call revealed everything with quite a bit of movie left to play out.

And the courtroom scene couldn't have been any more confusing with the dog and the sisters' brother all going crazy at once. And Joan Cusack, who I think is terrific, tells her bailiff to "let everything go" because it's starting to get interesting?

This was a big disappointment for the entire family. Cameron Diaz was horribly miscast. She came off as an uncaring bitch. Maybe she was supposed to, but it is hard, as a parent, to understand if one child is dying of cancer another child sues you and your third is having apparent problems (not really spelled out in the film)...that you would want to come out of semi-retirement and defend yourself in court. Wouldn't you be a little preoccupied and want to devote that time to your kids?

I thought this was a real clunker. I was expecting a bit more.

Michael Osadciw

Jun 24, 2003
Real Name
Michael Osadciw
Hi Mike

Thanks for the comments. I have not read the book so I can't make any parallels. It's all too often when screenplays don't represent books very well... They are two different mediums and without good writers, they clash and become disasters for fans of the novels. I was watching it from a purely entertainment perspective. Maybe I was a bit generous on the four stars...

I'll agree with you here:

Cameron Diaz was horribly miscast. She came off as an uncaring bitch.

I felt the same way, which is why I politely put it this way:

...Cameron Diaz’s motherly character; she isn’t remotely warm to Anna at all, as if she hasn’t raised a second daughter for the past 11 years. It appears that nothing seems to be morally wrong in taking the life of Anna to save her first born, carried in the womb. Maybe it’s a motive as a man I will never know, but she appears to be determined to save her first born no matter the cost to her lab-designed daughter.

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