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Survivor 34-CBS (1 Viewer)


Senior HTF Member
Jun 13, 2001
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John Dhein
I've been looking forward to this for a while, and they did not disappoint.

Sandra seems to have not lost her touch. I really expected her to go last night, right up until Jeff read the votes.

I was very happy with both boots. The second one, in particular! I loved how he went out as a whiny baby!

Mike Frezon

Senior HTF Member
Oct 9, 2001
Rexford, NY
I'm in!

of course, my wife and I have seen each and every season. Caleb will be my favorite this season. I loved his stint on Big Brother and was devastated when he didn't get a chance to finish his first turn on Survivor.

But there are a number of good players in this group. Should be a fun ride.

I, too, LOVED the results of the first two votes. So glad Tony is gone...his personality is so overbearing and egocentric that I was dreading having him make it too deep into the season.

Sam Posten

HW Reviewer
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Oct 30, 1997
Aberdeen, MD & Navesink, NJ
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Sam Posten
Is Tony related to Pitbull?

Nobody seems to be targeting Ozzy or Malcolm yet. I can't believe they are still under the radar especially with Mal's tool steal and ring domination. Hope Sandra goes early


Senior HTF Member
May 18, 1999
I'm in!

of course, my wife and I have seen each and every season. Caleb will be my favorite this season. I loved his stint on Big Brother and was devastated when he didn't get a chance to finish his first turn on Survivor.

But there are a number of good players in this group. Should be a fun ride.

I, too, LOVED the results of the first two votes. So glad Tony is gone...his personality is so overbearing and egocentric that I was dreading having him make it too deep into the season.

About half-way through it. I think this will come down to Caleb or Ozzy.

Sandra definitely needs to leave, wow is she obnoxious. Glad Tony was booted, he's just got that kind of personality where he's very impressed with himself, but he's the only one who feels that way.

I think I've seen almost every season, but a lot of these people aren't familiar. Maybe they got voted out fairly early on their seasons so have faded from my memory.


Senior HTF Member
Jun 13, 2001
Real Name
John Dhein
="Stan, post: 4466944, member: 272164"Sandra definitely needs to leave, wow is she obnoxious.

I think she is doing that on purpose because she thinks her only chance to get to the end is as a goat. She is probably right.
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Senior HTF Member
May 18, 1999
Good show. This is looking like a really fun season. Brought back some very tough players, it's going to be brutal as the backstabbing and blindsides continue, especially with next week's mix-up and new buffs assigned.

Don't see Sandra going much further. She is not well liked, can't handle the challenges. Maybe another few weeks and she's gone.

Weird advantage that one woman won. Can only be used when there's 13 or 6 players left, has to be passed on to another player if she's voted out (forget the exact details, so that may be wrong), but very odd requirements. One of those shows that plays in the background, don't always pay attention.

Mike Frezon

Senior HTF Member
Oct 9, 2001
Rexford, NY
You can't underestimate Sandra. She's one of the smartest players to ever play the game. It seems to come naturally to her (as evidenced by the way Tony never stood a chance after he went straight at her...and the fact she's won two seasons!).

Weird advantage that one woman won. Can only be used when there's 13 or 6 players left, has to be passed on to another player if she's voted out (forget the exact details, so that may be wrong), but very odd requirements.

They had one of these "legacy advantages" a season or two ago. This one's a little different but the same basic idea.


Senior HTF Member
Jun 13, 2001
Real Name
John Dhein
You can't underestimate Sandra. She's one of the smartest players to ever play the game. It seems to come naturally to her (as evidenced by the way Tony never stood a chance after he went straight at her...and the fact she's won two seasons!).

I find it amazing. She just talks to people, and, while they may be saying "Sandra has to go.", they STILL don't vote her out.

It may not work for her, but I do think her only chance this time is to be out front, and point out, OFTEN, how great of a sacrificial goat she is.


Senior HTF Member
May 18, 1999
You can't underestimate Sandra. She's one of the smartest players to ever play the game. It seems to come naturally to her (as evidenced by the way Tony never stood a chance after he went straight at her...and the fact she's won two seasons!).
They had one of these "legacy advantages" a season or two ago. This one's a little different but the same basic idea.

Oh for sure Sandra's a tough player, but I think this group is onto her and I don't see her going much further.

Of course this thing was filmed months ago, the contestants can't say anything, but the winner is down to the final few we'll see in the live show later on.

I'm looking forward to 'The Amazing Race", much more fun to watch, not so cut-throat and back-stabbing like Survivor.

Mike Frezon

Senior HTF Member
Oct 9, 2001
Rexford, NY
Oh for sure Sandra's a tough player, but I think this group is onto her and I don't see her going much further.

You might be right, Stan. But that's what separates her from the rest of the pack. It's obvious that the rest of the group should be targeting her right at the get-go...yet she dodges the first two votes. Oh, they're on to her all right...but it might not matter! :laugh:


Senior HTF Member
May 18, 1999
So sad to see Caleb go, I thought he might win this one.

Incredibly annoyed by Sandra and Debbie. I hope the votes change and they get booted, two of my least favorite players ever to be on this show.

Ronald Epstein

Senior HTF Member
Jul 3, 1997
Real Name
Ronald Epstein
Hey guys!

Watched all 3 episodes in one sitting last evening to catch up.

I missed last season, but I am back for this "returnee" season because of some players I really liked.

So, you will probably be surprised and not so happy to hear me say that I was very upset that Tony was the second person to be voted off.

Oh, I know how many of you hated Tony. Yes, he's an absolute weasel and I understand completely why he was voted off so quickly. However, as someone who enjoys being entertained, I would have loved to have seen his antics week after week. I am simply amazed at how far Tony went in his first game. He certainly outwitted everyone.

However, despite his ousting, I am still enjoying the contestants that remain.

There's lots of eye candy this season which is great. I agree with you guys that Sandra needs to be the next person to go. I think this season will come down to Ozzy and Malcom. Both are strong players.

This may very well be my last season of Survivor. It has really grown a bit tiring after all these years. I would have skipped this season as well if not for the returning cast.


Senior HTF Member
May 18, 1999
Hey guys!

Watched all 3 episodes in one sitting last evening to catch up.

I missed last season, but I am back for this "returnee" season because of some players I really liked.

So, you will probably be surprised and not so happy to hear me say that I was very upset that Tony was the second person to be voted off.

Oh, I know how many of you hated Tony. Yes, he's an absolute weasel and I understand completely why he was voted off so quickly. However, as someone who enjoys being entertained, I would have loved to have seen his antics week after week. I am simply amazed at how far Tony went in his first game. He certainly outwitted everyone.

However, despite his ousting, I am still enjoying the contestants that remain.

There's lots of eye candy this season which is great. I agree with you guys that Sandra needs to be the next person to go. I think this season will come down to Ozzy and Malcom. Both are strong players.

This may very well be my last season of Survivor. It has really grown a bit tiring after all these years. I would have skipped this season as well if not for the returning cast.

Interesting that you commented on "the returning cast".

I've read a lot of reviews and comments from people who are really ticked off about it. Bring on new players, stop recycling the old ones.

I'd love a fresh start, go back to how it was in the early seasons. If they just keep bringing back the same people, this may also be my last season.

Ronald Epstein

Senior HTF Member
Jul 3, 1997
Real Name
Ronald Epstein
There are other replies in this thread that some would give up the show if not for the returning cast.

I believe returnees are popular as these are people you are familiar with, and in many cases, would love to see compete again.

Everyone is going to have a different take on this.


Senior HTF Member
May 18, 1999
There are other replies in this thread that some would give up the show if not for the returning cast.

I believe returnees are popular as these are people you are familiar with, and in many cases, would love to see compete again.

Everyone is going to have a different take on this.

True, we all have our opinions. But if Sandra wins again (or has already won, since this was filmed months ago), I'm done.
This is her third appearance. Cirie and Ozzy back for #4?

Since this show moved to tropical islands with basic food and fresh water provided, not much "survivor" mode left. Just swim, look for idols, lay on a beach and plot against each other.

Looking forward to "The Amazing Race", which is far more enjoyable. They've done a few "repeat" contestants, but for the most part it's new people.

Ronald Epstein

Senior HTF Member
Jul 3, 1997
Real Name
Ronald Epstein
Yeah, Stan, this show has gotten old. And, it's apparent to me that some of it is scripted (as most or all reality shows are).


Senior HTF Member
Nov 1, 1998
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So, you will probably be surprised and not so happy to hear me say that I was very upset that Tony was the second person to be voted off.

Oh, I know how many of you hated Tony. Yes, he's an absolute weasel and I understand completely why he was voted off so quickly. However, as someone who enjoys being entertained, I would have loved to have seen his antics week after week. I am simply amazed at how far Tony went in his first game. He certainly outwitted everyone.

Tony went under the radar in Worlds Apart at the start of the game until he found his idols (especially the Cook Islands idol that could be used AFTER the votes are read) and it made him unvotable. His biggest coup was getting Woo to take him to find tribal. Everything else was a lot of smoke and mirrors. Entertaining yes, but did the spy shack really add anything other than shits and giggles?

Having started his public shenanigans early without the benefit of idols, Tony was an easy out.


Senior HTF Member
Nov 1, 1998
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The show is essentially for long time fans now, and as such, returning players are essential to keep their interest. Having a fresh cast is always a gamble, since the season could be a total dud. Proven entertaining cast members give them a better shot of delivering a good season.

They haven't really done the starvation thing in a while. The lack of energy led to people just lying around for large stretches, so they give them enough food to be engaged and play until they acclimate to the calorie restriction. But make no mistake, these people are hungry and they all lose a ton of weight as they get further into the game.

The other survival element came to play with the goat capture. They all know the cameras are watching, and killing a wild animal on tape would be a huge PR nightmare for them back home. I'm sure some of the players who wanted to let the goat go didn't want to come home to PETA protests. So that element is essentially off the table.

Ronald Epstein

Senior HTF Member
Jul 3, 1997
Real Name
Ronald Epstein
Yeah, that was a very shaky moment with the speculation of killing the goat -- especially with the baby there.

Very pissed that Sandra didn't give a shit and just wanted food.

Had they decided to kill the goat, I am not even certain that would have been televised due to the protests that would have ensued.

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