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What did you watch this week in classic TV on DVD(or Blu)? (4 Viewers)

The 1960's

Senior HTF Member
Apr 20, 2021
New York
Real Name
Neal Rose
The Outer Limits (1963-1965)

S01E16 Controlled Experiment (Jan.13.1964)

Barry Morse … Phobos
Carroll O'Connor … Deimos
Grace Lee Whitney … Carla Duveen
Robert Fortier … Bert Hamill
Bob Kelljan … Frank Brant
Linda Hutchings … Arlene Schnabel
Vic Perrin … Control Voice (uncredited)
Leslie Stevens … Martian Computer Control Voice (uncredited)

Leslie Stevens … Director, Creator, Writer
Joseph Stefano … Producer
Leon Chooluck … Associate Producer
Joseph Stefano … Executive Producer
Dominic Frontiere … Music
John M. Nickolaus Jr. … Director of Photography

Opening Theme, Title

Opening Narration:

Who has not seen the dark corners of great cities, where small and shabby creatures wander without purpose in the secret corners of the night? Without purpose? There are those whose purpose reaches far beyond our wildest dreams.

Phobos, (Barry Morse)
and Deimos, (Carroll O’Conner) are Martians on Earth studying the human race and the art of murder. They utilize a device called a Miniature Temporized Condenser to manipulate time. For their Controlled Experiment they choose a love triangle resulting in murder. They capture the event, repeatedly speeding it up and slowing it down, to enhance their learning experience. As much as he loves Coffee and the Cigarettes, the temptation to alter the fabric of time becomes overwhelming for Phobos.

Deimos: All it takes is one Electron knocking into a Nucleaus and it might cause a chain reaction.

Both performances from these two iconic classic television actors were standouts as it revealed a flair for comedic wittiness as well being a unique episode for the Outer Limits series in that it contained just enough levity without being a comedy. Not in any sense of the word is it a comedy, yet Barry Morse states in his autobiography that “this was a possible pilot for a forthcoming science-fiction comedy series, which after being rejected was broadcast as an Outer Limits episode. A contemporary press review of the episode bears out at least part of this story, identifying "Controlled Experiment" as a pilot for a half-hour comedy series”. (see Wikipedia). For once, in my opinion, the network made the right call. In comic books, motion picture and television, Science Fiction tales featuring time travel and/or the manipulation of time have always been of greatest fascination to me and this one doesn’t disappoint. Interestingly Barry Morse had already begun his journey as Lt. Philip Gerard in The Fugitive only 4 months earlier and 7 years later Carroll O’Conner would make television history in his ultimate signature role as Archie Bunker in All In The Family.

The Caffeine and Nicotine Syndrome

Barry Morse was a truly splendid and versatile actor. His roles reached stage, screen and television, where his performances were highly respected. He was not a handsome man by Hollywood standards, yet he used that to his advantage. In perhaps his most famous role as Lt. Gerard in The Fugitive in 1963, he was given the moniker "The most hated man in America." His character was both imposing and frightening. In The Fugitive, three of his better performances were S01E11 Nightmare at Northoak (Nov.26.1963), S03E09 Landscape with Running Figures Part 1 (Nov.16.1965) and S04E29 The Judgment: Part I (Aug.22.1967) & 04E30 The Judgment: Part II (Aug.29.1967). This episode co-stars Grace Lee Whitney best known for her role as Yeoman Janice Rand in Star Trek only 2 3/4 years later.


















Phobos, Carla Duveen

Phobos examines the contents of Carla Duveen’s purse:

Phobos: Oh, and she seems to have, uh... Quite a few certificates.
Deimos: That's their currency. I use it at the outpost. 3...
Phobos: Annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum. What does that mean?
Deimos: It's a dead language. Latin. They use it to impress each other.
Phobos: And what is this bird holding the vegetation?
Deimos: Uh, nesting materials. Symbol of the home. 2...
Phobos: And this brick pyramid?
Deimos: Also symbol of the home.
Phobos: But it's got one eye looking out of it?
Deimos: Symbol of the homeowner. 1...
Phobos: Who's the old lady?
Deimos: It's an old man.
Phobos: What does it all mean?
Deimos: Who knows?















The Outer Limits S01E16 Controlled Experiment (Jan.13.1964)-129.jpg
The Outer Limits S01E16 Controlled Experiment (Jan.13.1964)-133.jpg

What Does It All Mean?

Spoiler Clip: Tampering With The Temporal Sequence!

Closing Narration:

Who knows? Perhaps the alteration of one small event may someday bring about the end of the world. But that someday is a long way off, and until then there is a good life to be lived in the here and now.

Closing Narration: End Credts

You can stream it here in Standard Definition. But it must be owned in High Definition!



Second Unit
Jan 13, 2015
Real Name
les nessman
EERIE, INDIANA 1x07: "HEART ON A CHAIN" (3rd november, 1991)

a good one! easily joe dante's best ep since 1x01, i'll avoid major spoilers and just say that marshall's buddy simon is mostly side-lined here for a couple of new friends -- "cool kid" devon (cory danziger, THE 'BURBS) & love-interest melanie (danielle harris).

teacher annabell lee (sarah lilly, dante's "bullshit or not?" segment from AMAZON WOMEN ON THE MOON) is named after a poem by edgar allan poe; she has a picture of poe on her desk. grim reaper strolling through the cemetery (pic #11). spied a headstone for one "hunt lowry" a film producer who was seemingly very contentious during the making of dante's pal allan arkush's GET CRAZY. marshall's three stooges t-shirt is back; was licensed merch -- a 3D-effect eye-poke design emblazoned with "outta the way, ya knuckleheads."

more references: THE FLY (barely audible "help me!" over shot of a spider web; i nearly missed this), george romero, & TWILIGHT ZONE (2x20, 1961).​


click here for part 7/10
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Second Unit
Jan 13, 2015
Real Name
les nessman
double post, essentially. mistakenly published a separate post instead of adding to my previous one. new message went up right while i was editing, anyway, so i just deleted everything and put it back in sequence.


Senior HTF Member
Jan 8, 2008
Real Name
Ben Masters
Advanced quite a few more episodes on second-season T.J. Hooker, and almost to be through with that second go, and in a roundabout way, the show; "Sweet Sixteen...and Dead" (OAD Saturday, February 12, 1983 on ABC) has an audio plaster of sorts on Shout!'s all-in-one DVD (specifically, on the end titles, the SPT logo has the CPT 80s Torch Lady music; that would be heard in the last three seasons w/the bylineless version w/the actual 80s Torch Lady).


Second Unit
Jan 13, 2015
Real Name
les nessman
EERIE, INDIANA 1x08: "THE DEAD LETTER" (10th november, 1991)

marshall and simon meet a strangely attired old-fashioned boy who asks them to deliver a letter for him. winning story with a "seize the day" moral. script would've been a perfect fit for one of the many contemporary fantasy anthology shows.

directed by tim hunter (teen drama RIVER'S EDGE, PAINT IT BLACK). starred herta ware (last saw her in AMAZING STORIES 1x24, possibly that series' best ep), and tobey maguire. there's a fourth-wall break in a dream sequence (simon hates "being second banana on this show") and another milk-truck accident (see 1x07).

EERIE, INDIANA 1x09: "WHO'S WHO" (17th november, 1991)

you can't pick your family / an artist's drawings come to life. second of two for director tim hunter. multiple TWIN PEAKS nods, with harry goaz playing sgt. knight, the 'bob' family, and marshall's "wow spelled backwards is wow!" (all crew listed in the credits have the middle name "bob.")​


EERIE, INDIANA 1x10: "THE LOST HOUR" (1st december, 1991)

marshall wakes up to find everyone in eerie has vanished. directed by bob balaban between genre comedies PARENTS (1988) and MY BOYFRIEND'S BACK (1993); written by co-creator of SNL's mr. bill, vance degeneres (ellen's brother). co-stars nikki cox & eric christmas both appeared on NIGHT COURT in 1990 (7x13 & 7x21):​


the "brooklyn: where the weak are killed and eaten" shirt is back (1x04). also reassuring to see simon have trouble setting a digital watch! it's not just me -- all those modes and functions packed into like three tiny buttons!

a real winner of an episode, not only because i'm always a sucker for the "where is everybody?" scenario. the milk-truck business these last few shows wasn't coincidence, it all lead here, and the pay-off is pretty wonderful. we're halfway through the series and i don't see how they top this one.

click here for part 8/10
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Senior HTF Member
Jan 8, 2008
Real Name
Ben Masters
Have indirectly taken checkers on T.J. Hooker...



...by finishing Season 2 (and to be honest, while I didn't see every single second of every single episode, the second season had enough exciting moments to keep me interested most of the time).

The last two episodes, IMHO, were very well done, and apparently a two-episode pilot/story arc for what the show would become for the rest of the series on ABC and CBS (the CBS portion, of course, not having Adrian Zmed), because Stacy moved off the desk to become an actual partner out in the field with Jim Corrigan (James Darren, who was a guest star in this two-episode pilot, before getting the "and-as" credit for his role as Corrigan at the top of the show for the rest of the series, as seen below).



And the last Season 2 CPT copyright card in 1983 was also apparently foreshadowing of what the new end titles would be like for the rest of the series...


And BTW, a question about the end titles-- when you originally saw T.J. Hooker on ABC or in syndication, do/did you remember a version of the end titles that actually had a reprise of the opening title track, along with full-motion video that froze to post each portion of the credits? I seem to recall such a thing when I saw the end titles from a rerun on WHNS-21 in my area, which is now FOX Carolina (also, I seem to recall the CPT copyright card having the AMPTP logo on it as well, and the Spelling-Goldberg card going directly to the CPT 80s Torch Lady, without a black screen [this one being the one with the Coca-Cola byline as well]).


Second Unit
Jan 13, 2015
Real Name
les nessman

i expected a christmas ep next, but... it's another balaban, in which famous paranormal researcher 'professor zircon' comes to town, staying with the tellers. the boys see it as an opportunity to hip a receptive adult to all the strange goings-on in eerie. problem is, zircon's a fraud. he & his wacky assistant are played by veteran character actors john standing & michael j. pollard.

some good scenes with scientist/inventor dad, edgar, who of course bristles at the idea of the supernatural. in the last few minutes there's a touching father-son moment which simon observes, wiping away a tear (we gather from 1x03 that he has an unstable home-life). and just 'cause it tickled me: marshall's mom marilyn serves up macaroni & cheese as "space noodles and moon-sauce, sir!" with a little salute.​


EERIE, INDIANA 1x12: "TORNADO DAYS" (1st march, 1992)

the boys meet an eccentric meteorologist (matt frewer) who has a personal grudge against a tornado. somewhat action-packed show, directed by ken kwapis ('80s SESAME STREET movie FOLLOW THAT BIRD, AMAZING STORIES 2x13). noticed syndi & marshall trade a few out-of-character sarcastic insults in this one; they've never really had that (more realistic?) dynamic before. i didn't care for it, anyway. COMMANDO CODY serial on TV. robby the robot toy.​


EERIE, INDIANA 1x13: "THE HOLE IN THE HEAD GANG" (1st march, 1992 -- not sure about this date)

the ghost of a notoriously inept bank-robber (claude akins!) comes back for one last score. marshall & simon also run into a weird gravel-voiced gray-haired kid (jason marsden) living in an abandoned mill. he kinda reminded me a little of christian slater, and that i'd seen him somewhere before nagged at me the whole show. turns out he played eddie munster in '80s revival MUNSTERS TODAY! big surprise was the introduction of the great john astin as mr. radford, * owner of local hangout "the world o' stuff." i can already tell his 'mysterious and spooky' qualities make him a great fit for the show.

couple of fun callbacks to 1x01: marked down foreverware products languishing in a bargain bin, and one of the party moms is seen standing in line at the bank. this is joe dante's last ep, though he stays on as 'creative consultant'.

* there's some nonsense about archie hahn's radford being an impostor who had the real radford tied up in the WOS basement for six months... but hey, it's comedy show!

(my favorite new actor/same character replacement was the way they switched out harry mortons on BURNS AND ALLEN...)
EERIE, INDIANA 1x14: "MR. CHANEY" (8th march, 1992)

no prizes for guessing that the episode named for lon chaney jr. deals with werewolves, or that they namecheck THE HOWLING. unsure how i feel about the addition of marsden's character; we'll see. but yes, john astin's radford is perfect as the loopy warm-hearted adviser and friend. TWIN PEAKS reference ("it ain't the log lady"). wolfman scared away by syndi in a green mud mask. stephen root guests.​

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Second Unit
Jan 13, 2015
Real Name
les nessman
EERIE, INDIANA 1x15: "NO BRAIN, NO PAIN" (15th march, 1992)

the intellect of the smartest man in the world is stored on an 8-track copy of GET THE KNACK. yes. this is like one of those body-swap comedies that were everywhere for a year or two in the late eighties. it's especially amusing watching justin shenkarow (simon) playing a genius pretending to be a nine year-old… meanwhile, the mysterious gray-haired kid continues to irritate.

anita morris (RUTHLESS PEOPLE) & paul sand star. no john astin (booo!). director greg beeman (LICENSE TO DRIVE) was ken kwapis' (1x12) roommate at USC. show opens outside the "dragon of the black pool" restaurant (BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA). "my sharona" is worked into the score and a bouncy original arrangement plays over the end credits.​


EERIE, INDIANA 1x16: "THE LOYAL ORDER OF CORN" (22nd march, 1992)

the boys gain access to eerie's secretive fraternal lodge. OK, there's no getting past it, i was definitely having more fun with this show before jason marsden's character (now named "dash-x", ugh) showed up. he has a little of his history filled in here (and we get obvious parallels to 1x10), but i kinda found it hard to care that much solely due to his grating personality. no syndi in this episode (booo!). ray walston guests and he's wonderful, as usual. directed by bryan spicer (1x06).​


EERIE, INDIANA 1x17: "ZOMBIES IN P.J.S" (22nd march, 1992)

hypnotic TV advertisements create mindless consumers. if i already thought dash-x was insufferable, teaming him with rene auberjonois' sleazy conman patterned after "the donald" ought to make for the episode from hell. thankfully, john astin's having a ball with this one, there's some nice writing & a good resolution. directed by the ever-reliable bob balaban, tho this is the least of his three outings. written by julia poll (1x09).

simon, about elvis memorabilia: "why did they make a lamp just for some guy on your paper route?" twins dan & don stanton from 1x01 can be seen at the world o' stuff.


OK, just two left. let's get this over with . . .

click here for part 10/10
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Senior HTF Member
Oct 31, 2010
Real Name
John Hopper

Episode #9

“Ordeal” (1970)
producer: Reg Hill
executive producer: Gerry Anderson
script editor: Tony Barwick
writer: Tony Barwick
director: Ken Turner
director of phtography: Brendan J. Stafford
composer: Barry Gray (stock)
songs: The Beatles, The Spencer Davis Group
cast: Gary Myers, Georgina Moon, Jeremy Wilkin, Michael Billington, Quinn O’Hara, Keith Alexander, Ed Bishop, Gabrielle Drake, Antonia Ellis, David Healy, Dolores Mantez, Mark Hawkins, Basil Moss, George Sewell, Jon Kelley, Ayshea Brough, Vladek Sheybal, Joseph Morris, Peter Burton

Following a wild night out with a girl called Sylvia (actress Quinn O’Hara), Colonel Paul Foster (actor Michael Billington) is receiving a refreshing sauna bath at the SHADO health farm. Drifting into semi-consciousness, he comes to find he has been abducted by an alien and is on a UFO, which is shot down onto the Moon’s surface. He survives but has to be extremely careful how he removes the helmet he is wearing. Clumsy removal would kill him because of the breathing liquid it contains.

It’s a fun and scary at once episode with three party scenes featuring late 1960’s pop music and crowd that supposed to be hipsters from the future: the 1980’s. The first part is laid-back and the second part is frankly claustrophobic and shot like a live and naturalistic nightmare. It features two pop tunes: “Get Back” (1969) by Paul McCartney from The Beatles and “Trampoline” (1966) by The Spencer Davis Group.

UFO | Ordeal | Foster unwinds at the Hippie Party

UFO | Ordeal | Back to the Hippie Party

UFO | Ordeal | Foster remembers the Hippie Party


Second Unit
Jan 13, 2015
Real Name
les nessman
EERIE, INDIANA 1x18: "REALITY TAKES A HOLIDAY" (april 12th, 1992)

marshall checks the mail and finds the script for a TV show called EERIE, INDIANA...

the last episode they shot, we get to see behind the scenes, the crew, the cast playing "themselves" etc. the adults mostly complain about the paucity of their roles, ha! even if this type of thing had been done plenty of times by 1992, it's no less clever, and a fine, fittingly brain bending send-off.

probably much more self-referentiality here, but joe dante plays himself as the director, mark blankfield (FRIDAYS, FRANKENSTEIN GENERAL HOSPITAL) plays jose schaefer, a composite of the series creators, and i think i spotted allan arkush milling around somewhere. ken kwapis directed (1x12); vance degeneres wrote (1x10 -- one of the best!); van dyke parks did the music.​


EERIE, INDIANA 1x19: "BROKEN RECORD" (december 9th, 1993)

backwards masking. obvious butthole surfers ref. the first/last milk-truck accident. the wilson twins show up as paramedics, taking turns with the oxygen. simon digs the carpenters! i don't recall this happening too often: there's actually a supporting b-story here! syndi gets to do something other than just hang out with the folks or around the house. director todd holland worked on everything from AMAZING STORIES to TWIN PEAKS.

this was the fifth show they shot, but it never aired and was burned off almost two years after the final episode. as to why, i'd perhaps point to the unusually heavy subject matter -- the boys' friend todd is dealing with an aggressive, abusive father. deadly serious, with very little comedy or supernatural hijinx for an off-ramp. i liked this accidental finale a lot, and in some ways more than the real one. traditional anthology-style writing with a surprising (yet also inevitable) and affecting reveal. good stuff!​


and that's the show! if you've been following along it'll be no surprise i think the best eps are (unranked): FOREVERWARE, THE ATM WITH THE HEART OF GOLD, HEART ON A CHAIN, THE LOST HOUR (maybe #1), REALITY TAKES A HOLIDAY for the novelty, THE BROKEN RECORD, and SCARIEST HOME VIDEOS as possibly the most fun.

i enjoyed the time spent in eerie -- more than i thought i would, honestly! -- but i'm ready to pack up and visit someplace else for a while . . .​
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The 1960's

Senior HTF Member
Apr 20, 2021
New York
Real Name
Neal Rose
As a compliment to Carroll O'Conner's role above in The Outer Limits 'Controlled Experiment', here was his signature role.

All in the Family (1971–1979)

Series Theme

♪ Boy, The Way Glenn Miller Played ♪
♪ Songs That Made The Hit Parade ♪
♪ Guys Like Us, We Had It Made ♪
♪ Those Were The Days ♪
♪ And You Knew Where You Were Then ♪
♪ Girls Were Girls And Men Were Men ♪
♪ Mister, We Could Use A Man ♪
♪ Like Herbert Hoover Again ♪
♪ Didn't Need No Welfare States ♪
♪ Everybody Pulled His Weight ♪
♪ Gee, Our Old Lasalle Ran Great ♪
♪ Those Were The Days ♪

A few thoughts about Carrol O’Conner. In my late teens when All In The Family was at it’s peak of popularlity, I remember discovering his plethora of earlier appearances in both film and television and I was shocked that this serious dramatic actor made such a monumental transition to comedy, and did so with such ease. The Archie Bunker signature was giving someone the Raspberry. It was more often than not reserved for immediate family members, his son-in-law, Mike “The Meathead” Stivic, his wife, Edith “The Dingbat”, his daughter Gloria, and next door neighbor George Jefferson.

Two of his funniest and his finest performances from All In The Family were, S02E01 The Saga of Cousin Oscar (1971) and the S05E23 No Smoking (1975).

All in the Family and it’s brilliant creator/writer, Norman Lear, found ways to laugh at things that no other family sitcom would ever do. Here in The Saga of Cousin Oscar (1971) the topic of death brought about hilarity. The one-liners spoken throughout this series were so clever and second to none. I’ll always remember this series so fondly because my mother and father would laugh with it until the tears were flowing down their cheeks.

In this story, one of the very best of the best All in the Family, Archie’s cousin Oscar the freeloader (who has ear lobes as large as Apricots and all kinds of warts), is staying in the Bunker’s attic. He’s been going to the “terlet” all night. It’s noon and he’s still in bed though he did come downstairs long enough to steal the sports section from Archie’s newspaper along with a few cigars. Edith brings him breakfast in bed which infuriates Archie. A Poached Egg and some Prunes. “If there’s anything that guy don’t need it’s Prunes", says Archie. We never actually see Oscar.

When Archie asks Meathead to awaken Oscar, Mike discovers he is dead and that’s where the laughs begin. Practically no one in the family relations is willing to help the Bunker’s pay the costs of a funeral.

Cousin Oscar, Oscar’s Dead


In comes Funeral Director Whitehead. His sole mission is to drum up the funeral costs as high as possible. There are so many highlights to this episode but one that flies under the radar is the performance Jack Grimes as Mr. Whitehead. He only appeared in one other AlI In The Family episode but he did have a modest acting career.

A Whitehead Brothers Funeral

Archie Bunker: Alright Whitehead what do you got to show us?
Whitehead: Archie like I was just telling your wife you made a wise choice. By entrusting your beloved to a neighborhood mortuary you’re gonna come out smelling like a rose.
Archie Bunker: Whitehead, how much?
Whitehead: First and former Whitehead Brothers wants to create a beautiful and lasting memory picture of the loved one.
Edith Bunker: Oh ain’t that nice. Undertakers sound like Mother’s Day Cards.
Whitehead: Ahh Mrs. Bunker we say Funeral Directors now, you’re not supposed to say undertakers anymore.
Edith Bunker: Ohh, like the Mafia.
Archie Bunker: Oh, stifle yourself! Whitehead c’mere, now listen, I know you thirteen years from the lodge right, and you know me, now can I get a simple answer to a simple question, huh? HOW MUCH?
Whitehead: Well let’s take a look at the book.
Archie Bunker: Go ahead!
Whitehead: Alright here’s we got 329L Arch, and we call it “The Patriot” now the motif is early American as you can see, Maple Hardwood, Red White and Blue quilting and painted on the inside lid facing the deceased, the American Flag.
Archie Bunker: How much??
Meathead: What’s the difference how much Archie, gee Mr Whitehead I’ve been listening to you and if you don’t mind me speaking openly
Whitehead: What better time for it son, in the presence of death we are all us achingly aware of the solemn
Archie Bunker: Now Whitehead hold it will ya, spare us the stained glass language, what was you’z saying?
Meathead: I just think this whole thing is barbaric, it’s like some kind of circus.
Archie Bunker: You said it, and I’m the clown in the middle ring. C’mon Whitehead now how much are you gonna charge me for that flag number?
Whitehead: Uh $325 dollars.
Archie Bunker: $325 dollars just for a box?
Whitehead: A casket Arch, his home for eternity.
Archie Bunker: The man couldn’t care less about a home when he was living and I’m supposed to give him a home for eternity? Hold on now.


Archie Bunker: Whitehead, c’mere, let me ask you something. Did you do the job on Jim McNab’s old man about 2 years ago?
Whitehead: Jim McNab’s father?
Archie Bunker: $926 dollars
Whitehead: Yeah, we did it.
Archie Bunker: Are you telling me McNab laid out that much money for a funeral?
Whitehead: Well Archie look the important thing is when you walk away from that cemetary after a Whitehead funeral you’re gonna be able to hold your head up.
Edith Bunker: Archie, it’s a telegram for you.
Archie Bunker: Good, the relations in Detroit with the collection, lets see how high they wanna hold up their heads. About this high.
Edith Bunker: $73 dollars and 25ç.
Whitehead: Our pet department gets that for a Canary!
Archie Bunker: Whitehead time for a little plain talk. Can I guy buy something such as used?
Whitehead: Used?
Archie Bunker: Used. Any floor models, demonstrators ——
Whitehead: You want that as something modestly priced.
Archie Bunker: Cheap, Whitehead, dirt cheap. Now find something like that, I gotta make a phone call.


The relatives are coming out of the woodwork, some unknown to Archie, others are present for no other reason than a funeral gives them a half-day off from work.

Cousin Bertha: Oh Edith, where’s Archie. I came as soon as I heard. Who even knew Oscar was living with you the poor love? Did he suffer long, was it terrible?
Archie Bunker: WHO ARE YOU?
Cousin Bertha: Cousin Bertha, Wilbur’s daughter from Ozone Park.
Archie Bunker: Hey Edith?
Cousin Bertha: It’s been 11 years, I’ll pull myself together Archie we’ll have a long talk.
Archie Bunker: Geez, a death in the family and they come crawlin’ out of the woodwork.
Mrs. McNab: Mr. Bunker do you think the funeral will be in the morning? I usually do my shoppng in the morning.
Archie Bunker: Well I’ll keep it in mind, maybe we can pass the market on the way.

Cousin Bertha & Mrs. McNab



Finally the Meathead comes through and finds Archie the cheapest way out, or so he thinks. However his friends will not be denied their funeral. Of course the story ends with Edith, The Dingbat, having the funniest line of the night.

Edith Bunker: Archie, we’ve been through worse than this.
Archie Bunker: When was that Edith?
Edith Bunker: Well. we been through things just as bad.
Archie Bunker: When Edith?
Edith Bunker: Well, then we been pretty lucky ain’t we?
Archie Bunker: What do you want me to do, spend over $600 dollars on a funeral for a cousin that used to sit on my face?
Edith Bunker: He’ll never do it again.

Edith’s Brilliance





Stay tuned for another episode of All In The Family coming up next on most of these CBS stations.


Second Unit
Jan 13, 2015
Real Name
les nessman
looking for another show to watch. after jason marsden showed up on EERIE INDIANA, god help me, i tried a little of the MUNSTERS TODAY revival (unaired pilot & first two eps). hadn't seen this since probably 1990. comedically it's actually maybe on par with the corny original (grandpa wishes he had a little russian dressing, and gets...), and it has a sorta pleasingly grungy, very low-rent late '80s look, but... it just doesn't feel right.

gonna switch over to the original MUNSTERS, i think. been way too long since my last visit.


Sep 23, 2007
Real Name
The cast was game, but yeah, it didn't land right. Especially when they got all Miami Vice Colors in the wardrobe.

Late 80's into the 90's TV was really ugly sometimes.
Especially first run syndicated series (other than Star Trek). Couldn't stand to watch dreck like Renegade, no matter how much I love Stephen J. Cannell's 70s/80s output.

The 1960's

Senior HTF Member
Apr 20, 2021
New York
Real Name
Neal Rose
Today, February 25th 2024 would have been my Mother's 99th Birthday. She passed away in June of 2022 and she absolutely adored All In The Family. This particular episode was one that she and my Dad laughed at so loudly that the tears would roll down their cheeks.

All in the Family (1971–1979)


S05E23 No Smoking (Mar.01.1975)
Carroll O'Connor - Archie Bunker
Jean Stapleton - Edith Bunker (The Ding-Bat)
Rob Reiner - Mike Stivic (The Meat-Head)
Sally Struthers

Writing Credits
Norman Lear Developer
Lou Derman Writer
Bill Davenport Writer
Johnny Speight created by / based on "Till Death Us Do Part"

Produced By
Norman Lear Producer
Don Nicholl Executive Producer
Michael Ross Producer
George Sunga Associate Producer
Bernard West Producer
Bud Yorkin Executive Producer​

Archie comes home complaining about a woman who asked him put out his cigar because it “offended her.” Meathead, Gloria, and the Dingbat side with the woman upon which Archie flips them off with a Raspberry, in fact there are three Raspberry’s given in this one, which might have been a record. This begins an argument as to who has the greater will-power. Mike and Archie make a $20 bet. Mike agrees to give up eating for two days if Archie can give up smoking. Neither trusts the other so they sleep in the same bed to make sure neither pulls any crappola. Of course, there's the Archie Bunker logic which must be heard and read to believe!

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Archie Bunker: But the thing that Really burned me up Was coming down in the elevator. I ran into this crabby dame. You know what she has The nerve to say to me? "I wish you'd put out your cigar Because the smoke offends me."
Meathead: Maybe she had a Breathing problem.
Archie Bunker: Sure she had a Breathing problem, You should have Seen the nose on her. Looked like she was Playing a saxophone.
Edith Bunker: Oh, maybe she Just wasn't used to The smell of cigar smoke. I remember when We was first married I had to spray the room Every night after you smoked. But you couldn't get used To the smell of the spray.
Gloria: So you had to get used To the smell of cigars.
Edith Bunker: No, I had to get used to Not saying nothing about it.
Archie Bunker: You know what I got used to Whenever I came into the house?
Edith Bunker: A kiss?
Archie Bunker: I was thinking of Something foamy in a can.
Edith Bunker: Oh, you mean beer? Beer, yeah. Oh, sure, I'll get You some right away.
Gloria: So that's what you're Really upset about? Because some lady in an elevator Said she didn'like the Smell of your cigar?
Archie Bunker: That's right. And I told the lady If she didn't want to Inhale my cigar smoke, Then she really Ought to shut her face.
Meathead: I'm surprised she didn't Have you reported.
Archie Bunker: She did, she did, to The guard downstairs When the elevator got there. She told him the whole story. Made him write the Whole thing down. He took my name and Address and everything. Told me he's gonna fine me $50.
Meathead: That's right, they got a law Now against smoking in elevators.
Archie Bunker: [razzing] well, to that Law I would say... [raspberry]


Archie Bunker: Lucky for me, the Guard was a straight guy. After the dame took off, I Gave him one of my cigars, He ripped up the report.
Gloria: Boy, oh, boy. And you're the one who's always Preaching law and order. Huh!
Archie Bunker: That is for the Criminals, little girl. Law and order should not ruin The lives of law-abiding people.
Edith Bunker: Here you are Archie
Archie Bunker: Ah, yeah. No, I describe to a higher law there, meathead, God's law. And God intended man to smoke.
Edith Bunker: My mother always said, "If God intended People to smoke, He would have put Chimneys on their heads."
Archie Bunker: Your mother didn't know nothing. She didn't even want You to marry me.
Meathead: W-wait, wait a Second, wait a second. God intended man to smoke?
Archie Bunker: Certainly. Why do you Think god planted tobacco? To make salads, you dope, you? That's to smoke. Everything god Planted is for man to use.
Gloria: Then what about marijuana?
Archie Bunker: God didn't plant Marijuana, little girl. It was your Mexican Bandits done that.
Gloria: Well, I'm for the new laws 'cause I don't think people Should be allowed to smoke In elevators, in Movies, in restaurants, 'cause it really does bother The other people that don't smoke.
Archie Bunker: Ah, what are you talking about? The only people it bothers Are a bunch of pains in the necks That don't want the rest of The world to enjoy themselves. Well, I've been smoking Around here for years And up to now, I ain't heard no Complaints from my loved ones.
Meathead: I complained.
Gloria: Well, I'm complaining, Too, daddy. I hate your cigar Smoke. El stinko!
Archie Bunker: Little girl, let me tell You, there's an old saying, "Never bite the hand That feeds your husband." Take a lesson from Your mother over here. She learned to Love my cigar smoke. Right, edith?
Edith Bunker: No, I didn't.
Archie Bunker: Ah, who cares anyway?
Meathead: Well, Arch, you gotta have Respect for other people's feelings.
Archie Bunker: I got respect for Everybody's feelings. In the constitution we're Supposed to have respect. We all got our right to the Pursuit of happiness there. And, if I wanna pursue happiness With a cigar in my kisser, Then you gotta respect that.
Meathead: W-what are you saying? That cigar-smoking Is an inalienable right?
Archie Bunker: It's for aliens, it's For the native borns... Anybody wants, they can smoke. Now, let me give You a little history, The kind that you don't Find in the history books.
Meathead: Naturally.
Archie Bunker: Yeah. You know, if it wasn't For guys like me, smokers, There wouldn't be no america.
Meathead: You wanna blow That past me again?
Archie Bunker: Sure. You heard of your Washington, your Jefferson?
Meathead: The names ring a bell.
Archie Bunker: Yeah, well, they was what you call, uh, planters. Planters were guys who used to raised cigars. And, if it wasn't for smokers like me buying the cigars from Jefferson and Washington, the two of them guys would've went broke. There wouldn't have been no revolution against the English.
Edith Bunker: yeah, and we wouldn't have No jefferson high school Or george washington bridge.

See the entire transcript of this clip directly below.​

Gloria: Daddy, you know what your Cigar smoke is doing to my hair?
Archie Bunker: Huh?
Gloria: It gets in there and Then michael says He can't stand the smell of it.
Archie Bunker: What's his nose Doing in your hair?
Gloria: It's like when he's hugging me, Then he stops right in the Middle of a hug, and he says, "Gloria, Your hair smells like The inside of a cab."
Archie Bunker: If he's got such A terrific sniffer, Why don't he sniff Out a job for himself?
Edith Bunker: It would be good if you Gave up cigar-smokin', archie. Remember that quiz you Took a couple of weeks ago? [groaning] it said that you Could add years to your life.
Meathead: It's not just your Own health, arch. Doctors are saying that Non-smokers are getting sick From inhaling the stuff That's puffed at them all day.
Archie Bunker: You know what I'm getting sick of? I'm getting sick of the Whole crowd of yous Yapping about this, so, shut up. Oh, oh, what are you doing? Ah, what are you doing?, look at this.
Gloria: Let's See how you like it.
Archie Bunker: Will you look at your Daughter over here? This is a disgrace!
Meathead: Gloria, honey, Come on, take it easy. (mike) you're gonna Make yourself sick here. coughing]
Gloria: You like that? You like That in your face, huh?
Archie Bunker: Gimme that cigar Before you puke.
Gloria: [coughing] how can you Smoke those filthy things?
Meathead: See what they do to you?
Archie Bunker: Well, who the hell Told her to do that? A girl ain't supposed To smoke a cigar.
Gloria: Ah, it isn't good for anybody.
Archie Bunker: Ah, come on, that's Just propaganda Put out by some of These big companies. They make a lot of money Out of, uh, no smokin'.
Meathead: What companies?
Archie Bunker: The companies that put Out the "No smoking" signs!
Edith Bunker: Here you are, gloria.
Gloria: Thanks, ma.
Archie Bunker: Come on, edith. Get some Lunch on the table here, huh?
Edith Bunker: In a little while. Oh, that's something Else, archie. They say if you give up smoking, You'll find out what your Food really tastes like.
Archie Bunker: Ah, come on, I Can taste my food, What's left of it after The meathead gets done.
Gloria: You really should quit.
Meathead: Gloria, gloria, you're Wasting your time. He's not gonna quit smoking, He's just like an Alcoholic or a dope addict.
Edith Bunker: Oh, not a dope addict!
Meathead: Come on, look at him, He's hooked on cigars.
Archie Bunker: I could unhook myself From the cigars, like that.
Meathead: Sure, sure, that's what All addicts say, arch. you couldn’t go 24 Hours without smokin'.
Archie Bunker: Well, let me tell you something.I don't think you could go 24 minutes without eating.
Gloria: Michael has character, daddy. He could go a whole day Without eating, if he wanted to.
Edith Bunker: Well, archie has character, too. He could go a whole Day without smokin', If he wanted to.
Archie Bunker: You're damn right.
Meathead: Damn wrong! Y-you'd go nuts without A cigar stuck in your face.
Archie Bunker: Let me tell you something. When I was in The big war, w-w-2, There was many the time we'd go For days on end without no smokes And the bullets Whistling over our heads. What I could do back Then in foggia, italy, I could do right now In queens, new york.
Meathead: Prove it.
Archie Bunker: What? I got money says that I can go A whole day without smoking, Bet you can't do a Whole day without eating.
Meathead: Are you kidding Me? I got the money.
Gloria Take the bet, michael, take it.
Meathead: Oh, no, I'll take the Bet, I'll take the bet, But I think 1 day is too easy. Why don't we make it 2 days?
Edith Bunker: but, mike, You'll starve to death!
Meathead: No, no, I've been Thinking about fasting, You know, like gandhi Or cesar chavez. They do it for weeks on end. It... It cleanses the body. All you need is water. What do you say, 2 days?
Archie Bunker: How much?
Meathead: You name it.
Archie Bunker: Well, I'll make it easy On yourself, say $5.
Meathead: Why don't you make it $10?
Archie Bunker: Well, you wanna be a wise Guy, let's go the whole route. We make it $20.
Meathead: You're on. You're on, you're on. You're on. Here's my $20, right here. Edith, you hold The stakes, here. All right, now where's Yours? Get it up.
Meathead: Uh, gloria, could You loan me $20? Come on, you're Not gonna lose it.
Gloria I don't know, 2 days is a Long time without food.
Meathead: It's not gonna take That long, gloria, Because your father's not Gonna be able to last that long.
Gloria: Yeah, you're right. I'll get the money.
Edith Bunker: I ain't... I ain't sure This is a good idea.
Archie Bunker: Oh, it's going to be fine. All right, so, the bet Goes from right now Right through breakfast Monday morning, And I'm gonna keep a beagle-eye On you the whole weekend.
Meathead: Don't worry about me, arch, You just worry about yourself, Because I'm not letting You out of my sight.
Gloria: Here's the money, ma.
Archie Bunker: all right. Now I'm gonna Synchrosize the watch. 12:00, noon... And this is it.
Edith Bunker: Woo-hoo, it's lunchtime. I Better get it on the table.
Archie Bunker: Edith, come on, I'm getting awful Hungry here. Where's my lunch?
Meathead: Maybe we should Start after lunch.
Archie Bunker: Oh, no. None of that crappola. I snuffed out my Cigar over there And now it's time for you To snuff out your appetite.
Meathead: No problem, arch.
Archie Bunker: Hahahahahhha

This discussion culminates with the following video clip.

Mike vs. Archie: A Test of Will Power

After the bet commences and because neither trusts one another, the first evening finds Archie and The Meathead sleeping in the same bed.

Archie and Meathead In Bed

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Archie: Starving Meathead? Have a Raspberry.

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Archie cannot be trusted as Mike uncovers cigars in the strangest places. Things becomes more vicious as the two torture each other into breaking. Finally, the ladies call a truce.

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Torture & Truce

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To those of you who just might want to see these two episodes in full, and the rest of one of the greatest comedy sitcoms in television history. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT purchase the ShoutFactory! DVD release. It is a huge disappointment. The prints are awful and look terribly compressed. And absolute embarrassment given to a series of this caliber. My recommendation is to stream it where available. That’s where these images and clips came from. It's what should have been released on DVD but wasn't. The prints are not perfect but most certainly quite enjoyable.

But you can stream it here.

Thank you Carroll O’Conner for the thousands upon thousands of laughs you’ve given me, my family and the millions of other people worldwide. You won’t ever be forgotten!

Doug Wallen

Senior HTF Member
Oct 21, 2001
Macon, Ga.
Real Name
While continuing to recover, I have spent some more "quality" time with a nice cross section of classic television.
The Untouchables
The Economist (4.4) Malachi Throne, Joe Sirola, George Mathews, Ellen Madison, James T. Callahan, Ken Lynch, Henry Corden, Frank Wilcox, Joseph V. Perry, Helen Kleeb. Why import booze when we can take it from our own reserves?

The Pea (4.5) Albert Paulsen, Frank Gorshin, Sally Gracie, Gilbert Green, Stefan Gierasch, Elizabeth McCrae, Davis Roberts,Bob Hoy. Catcher (Gorshin) is a busboy who dreams of bigger things and comes into possession of a book that could be useful to the police. Using the book as leverage, Catcher gets greedy.

Bird In The Hand (4.6) Carroll O'Connor, Dane Clark, John Gabriel, Herschel Bernardi, Nan Martin, Theodore Marcuse, Bing Russell, John McLiam, Elisha Cook, Jr., Bill Walker. A public health scare involving diseased birds and a mobster (O'Connor) who is trying to move up in the mob hierarchy.

The Eddie O'Gara Story (4.7) Mike Connors, Sean McClory, Robert J. Wilke, Meg Wylie, Jason Wingreen, K. L. Smith. A story involving “Bugs” Moran (Wilke) and a low level former compatriot (Connors) who end up working together.

The Virginian
Killer In Town (2.4) Broderick Crawford, Arch Johnson, William Smith, Jim Boles, Barbara Werle, Ross Elliott, Roy Engel. Trampas (McClure) is hounded by a bounty hunter (Crawford). Is he a murderer?

The Evil That Men Do (2.5) Robert Redford, Patricia Blair, Simon Scott, Don Kelly, L. Q. Jones, Ross Elliott, John Bryant. The Virginian (Drury) and Judge Garth (Cobb) are attempting to give a prisoner (Redford) a chance at rehabilitation.

It Takes A Big Man (2.6) Lloyd Nolan, Chris Robinson, Ryan O'Neal, Robert Cornthwaite, Pamela Austin, Lew Brown, Bill Idelson. Judge Garth's friend (Nolan) has two son's from two different women. The one he loves (Robinson) has an Indian mother, son despises his father. The younger son (O'Neal) idolizes his father and the father is unresponsive. The Judge is asked to employ the older brother and attempt to “straighten” him out. What could possibly go wrong?

High Card Hangs (2.5) Martin Landau, Efrem Zimbalist Jr., Lilyan Chauvin, Frank Ferguson, Charles Fredericks. At a mining camp, Bart and two others are held in an attempted murder case. Dandy Jim (Zimbalist) is on hand for support.

Escape To Tampico (2.6) Gerald Mohr, Barbara Lang, John Hubbard, Paul Picerni, Louis Mercier, William D. Gordon. Bret is hired to bring back a supposed killer (Mohr) who gives a the impression of innocence, but is he?

The Judas Mask (2.7) Anna-Lisa, Richard Garland, John Vivyan, Mel Welles, Nico Minardos. Bart's stake in a potential partnership is stolen by a dance hall girl who seems to be pulling some type of con.

The Jail At Junction Flats (2.8) Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., Patrick McVey, Jean Allison, John Harmon, Bert Remsen, Claudia Bryar, Dan Blocker. More hi-jinks with Dandy Jim involving an escape proof jail.

Jonny Quest
Every few months I feel the need to view several episodes of this childhood favorite. So for this visit I enjoyed Shadow Of The Condor, Skull And Double Crossbones, The Dreadful Doll, Dragons Of Ashida, Turu The Terrible, And Werewolf Of The Timberland. I always feel like a ten year old kid when I watch these.

Wagon Train
The Roger Bigelow Story (4.13) Claude Akins, Robert Vaughn, Audrey Dalton. Bigelow (Vaughn) has a temper and turns to the ministry to gain control. While on the trail, Bigelow helps Wes Varney (Akins) who was found near death. Varney is a wanted man who accepts the kindness of the Bigelow's with the intention of stealing their nest egg. Nice episode.

The Jeremy Dow Story (4.14) Leslie Nielsen, Michael Burns, Mari Aldon, Morgan Woodward, Jimmy Lydon, Dal McKennon, John War Eagle. A man (Nielsen) running from his past meets his wife and son (who doesn't know he is with his Dad). Emotional story.

The Earl Packer Story (4.15) Ernest Borgnine, Edward Binns, Rex Holman, Jane Burgess. Two excellent actors (Binns & Borgnine) chewing the scenery with Flint (Horton) acting as referee.

The Patience Miller Story (4.16) Rhonda Fleming, Michael Ansara, Morgan Woodward (as a pidgin speaking Indian???) E. J. Andre, Henry Brandon, Jason Robards, Sr. A single teacher takes on the local tribe of Indians. Nice to see Rhonda Fleming, story is wildly politically incorrect.

Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer
The Commodore (2.20) H. M. Wynant, Edgar Stehli, Jean Allison, Michael Winkleman, Ashley Cowan.

See No Evil (2.23) Miriam Colon, Steven Peck, Walter Burke, Gene Saks, Ted Markland.

Curtains For An Angel (2.21) Richard Crane, Abby Dalton, Robert Ellenstein, Virginia Gregg, Alexander Lockwood.

Dixie Is Dead (2.24) Sue Ane Langdon, Dick Wesson, Ken Lynch, Walter Reed, Ray Daley.

M Is For Mother (2.26) Bart Burns, Coleen Gray, Diana Barth, Vito Scotti, Harry Swoger.

Pen Pals (2.27) Mike Connors, Betty Lynn, Ed Kemper, Dort Clark.

Another fine set of adventures with our hard-headed, determined, womanizing detective.

Alfred Hitchcock Presents
Last Request (3.8) Harry Guardino, Cara Williams, Hugh Marlowe, Karin Booth. Great conclusion to a criminal's confession.

The Young One (3.9) Carol Lynley, Vince Edwards, Jeannette Nolan, Stephen Joyce, Rusty Lane. A rather obvious set up and murder, still enjoyable performances.

The Diplomatic Corpse (3.10) George Peppard, Peter Lorre, Mary Scott, Isobel Isom, John Verros. Comedy of errors including a deceased family member.

The Deadly (3.11) Phyllis Thaxter, Lee Philips, Craig Stevens, Frank Gerstle, Anabel Shaw, Peggy McKay, Sally Hughes. Blackmail doesn't pay.

Miss Paisley's Cat (3.12) Dorothy Stickney, Raymond Bailey, Harry Tyler, Fred Graham, Orangey-cat. A cat is killed and the owner is convinced she killed the murderer.

Night At The Execution (3.13) Pat Hingle, Georgann Johnson, Russell Collins, Vinton Hayworth. A man (Collins) harasses the ADA after he receives a guilty verdict in a high profile murder case. The man confesses that he actually committed the murder and is paying visits to the ADA in his home. The ADA begins to question his case and takes drastic measures.

The Percentage (3.14) Alex Nicol, Nita Talbot, Don Keefer, Carole Mathews. How much is a guilty conscience worth?

Together (3.15) Joseph Cotten, Christine White, Sam Buffington. A cheating husband (Cotten) gets locked in an office with his mistress who he just murdered. Guess who comes to his rescue?

The Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest
Inspired by my viewing of classic JQ, I decided to search for the second season of The Real Adventures. My son and I were jazzed when the series was given a reboot in the 90's. Seemed to be a shade more realistic looking than the 80's series with Hard Rock. The first season with Robert Patrick voicing Race as a hick was hard to accept.

I was lucky to find a very clean used copy and have been digging into the first disc. I was a bit surprised to hear John de Lancie as Dr. Quest, major upgrade. Granville van Dusen is a wonderful actor to voice Race (in many instances the resemblance to Mike Road's performance is uncanny). Sad to say that Robert Foxworth becomes necessary to take the role. But he is also excellent. I have no problems with these teen versions of the kids. It is also nice to see some continuity threads resurface (Pasha Peddler and Dr. Zin to just name two) in this season. I am so impressed with the quality of the guest voice talent utilized in these episodes.

The Mummies Of Malenque (2.1) Theresa Saldana.

Rock Of Rages (2.2) Darleen Carr, Mark Hamill, Michael Bell.

Bloodlines (2.3) Richard Libertini, Maurice LaMarche, Ed Gilbert, Nick Jameson, Nancy Linari. Hadji's very interesting back story.

Race Against Danger ( 2.4) Julian Sands, Nick Chinlund, Greg Burson, Dave Fennoy.

The Dark Mountain (2.5) Michael Dorn, Philip Maurice Hayes.

Cyberswitch (2.6) Helene Udy.

Undersea Urgency (2.7) Peter Jurasik, Karen Ross.

Nemesis (2.8) Robert Foxworth joins the voice cast as “Race” Bannon. Robert Ito, Clyde Kusatsu as Dr. Zin, Soon-Tek Oh, Peter Strauss,Brian Tochi.

I am so glad that the Questworld segments have been reduced to almost nothing.

21 Beacon Street
Trojan Horse (1.8) Beal Wong, Kam Tong, Ralph Ahn, Frances Fong, Larry Blake, Nancy Hsueh,

The Hostage (1.9) DeForest Kelley, Jerry Paris, Barney Phillips, Toni Gerry, Addison Richards. Kelley is excellent as the blackmailed husband and Paris is cast against type.

The Trap (1.10) John Hoyt, Myron Healey, Jean Willes, Rodney Bell, Noel Drayton.

Three more fine examples of how to catch criminals who are not easily caught as they seem to be above the law.

Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea
Terror On Dinosaur Island (2.14) Paul Carr,Paul Trinka, Terry Becker, Robert Dowdell, Del Monroe. Allen utilizes film clips from his own “The Lost World”.

Killers Of The Deep (2.15) Michael Ansara, Patrick Wayne, James Frawley, Bruce Mars, Gus Trikonis. Cold War submarine film where Admiral Nelson is on a ship and Captain Crane is on the Soviet sub. I liked this one.

The next two episodes were unplayable on my recently purchased used set.

The Sky's On Fire (2.18) Frank Marth, Robert H. Harris, David J. Stewart. An alternate retelling of the 1961 feature film. I sure do miss Barbara Eden.

Graveyard Of Fear (2.19) Robert Loggia, Marian McCargo. Using that oft used sci-fi trope of immortality/immensely old character who is glimpsed in the final scene.

Yankton (17.21) James Stacy, Forrest Tucker, Nancy Olson, Pamela Payton-Wright. Excellent character study of a lengthy marriage where the love has died (husband and wife had passion and then their own interests became more selfish). Mom (Olson) sees her daughter making the same decisions and wants to spare her the inevitable heartbreak. Excellent episode. The regular cast are truly supporting players in this story.

Blind Man's Buff (aka Phoebe) (17.22) Victor French, George Lindsey, Anne Jackson, Woodrow Chambliss. Frazer (French) is shot by two road thieves and loses his memory. He is given help by Phoebe (Jackson) who claims she is her new husband. Eyebrows in town and on Mr. Frazer are raised. What is her motivation and why?

Alias Festus Haggin (17.23) Ramon Bieri, Lieux Dressler, Robert Totten, Booth Coleman, Gregg Palmer, William Bryant, Rayford Barnes, Herb Vigran, Jon Lormer, Rusty Lane. Textbook episode involving a dual role where Festus is mistaken for a black-hearted murderer. The ID is so perfect that people are lining up to personally confront him to confirm his identity. Another excellent episode.

The Wedding (17.24) Morgan Woodward, Sam Elliott,Melissa Newman, Lane Bradford, Fran Ryan, James Chandler, Jason Wingreen. Walt Clayton (Woodward) can't stand the idea his daughter is getting married to Cory Soames (Elliott). He is going to have him arrested until Donna (Newman) confides that she is pregnant. After the wedding, a struggle injures Walt and Cory goes on the run. The ending to this one is rather downbeat and seems an odd choice as the final episode of the season. Of course, this is just me.

End of Season 14.


Senior HTF Member
Oct 31, 2010
Real Name
John Hopper
Yankton (17.21) James Stacy, Forrest Tucker, Nancy Olson, Pamela Payton-Wright. Excellent character study of a lengthy marriage where the love has died (husband and wife had passion and then their own interests became more selfish). Mom (Olson) sees her daughter making the same decisions and wants to spare her the inevitable heartbreak. Excellent episode. The regular cast are truly supporting players in this story.

Blind Man's Buff (aka Phoebe) (17.22) Victor French, George Lindsey, Anne Jackson, Woodrow Chambliss. Frazer (French) is shot by two road thieves and loses his memory. He is given help by Phoebe (Jackson) who claims she is her new husband. Eyebrows in town and on Mr. Frazer are raised. What is her motivation and why?

Alias Festus Haggin (17.23) Ramon Bieri, Lieux Dressler, Robert Totten, Booth Coleman, Gregg Palmer, William Bryant, Rayford Barnes, Herb Vigran, Jon Lormer, Rusty Lane. Textbook episode involving a dual role where Festus is mistaken for a black-hearted murderer. The ID is so perfect that people are lining up to personally confront him to confirm his identity. Another excellent episode.

The Wedding (17.24) Morgan Woodward, Sam Elliott,Melissa Newman, Lane Bradford, Fran Ryan, James Chandler, Jason Wingreen. Walt Clayton (Woodward) can't stand the idea his daughter is getting married to Cory Soames (Elliott). He is going to have him arrested until Donna (Newman) confides that she is pregnant. After the wedding, a struggle injures Walt and Cory goes on the run. The ending to this one is rather downbeat and seems an odd choice as the final episode of the season. Of course, this is just me.

The cream of the crop remains:

“Blind Man’s Buff”
It’s a good and engrossing question of identity episode treated through the classical amnesiac case which was also made in other CBS series like The Wild Wild West (see the season 3 “The Night of the Amnesiac”) but it is blended with the theme of the lonely woman but, in this story, a woman who fashions herself a new life. As in “New Doctor in Town”, one wounded character suffers from vocal distortions. As in “Tara”, find a barn party which highlights an odd couple and, here, Festus is the master of ceremony. As in “The Bullet”, a predator steals the boots of his victim. Dillon wears his light grey tweed jacket. It is written by associate producer Ron Honthaner. Notice the Baroque score of Johnny Parker with his harpsichord use.

“Alias Festus Haggin”
It’s a good grim Festus entry and a case of mistaken identity through the theme of the evil double in which Festus is falsely-accused of murder deeds and fails to be lynched paired with a trial drama: see “Lijah” and “No Tomorrow”. Don’t miss the twist ending! Featuring two judges: Judge Brooker and Judge Clayborne from the season 16 “McCabe”. The furious leader of the lynch mob is played by director Robert Totten. Find the second doppelgänger episode after the season 16 “The Noonday Devil”.


Senior HTF Member
Oct 31, 2010
Real Name
John Hopper
Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea
Terror On Dinosaur Island (2.14) Paul Carr,Paul Trinka, Terry Becker, Robert Dowdell, Del Monroe. Allen utilizes film clips from his own “The Lost World”.

Killers Of The Deep (2.15) Michael Ansara, Patrick Wayne, James Frawley, Bruce Mars, Gus Trikonis. Cold War submarine film where Admiral Nelson is on a ship and Captain Crane is on the Soviet sub. I liked this one.

The next two episodes were unplayable on my recently purchased used set.

The Sky's On Fire (2.18) Frank Marth, Robert H. Harris, David J. Stewart. An alternate retelling of the 1961 feature film. I sure do miss Barbara Eden.

Graveyard Of Fear (2.19) Robert Loggia, Marian McCargo. Using that oft used sci-fi trope of immortality/immensely old character who is glimpsed in the final scene.

The cream of the crop remains:

“The Sky’s on Fire”
A good remake of the feature film with a real global death threat enhanced by a plotter rival scientist which creates mutiny inside Seaview by stinging sailors with his drugged ring. The tale goes like this: one scientist named Dr. Weber kills his colleagues (burn the quarters of McHenry and pushes Dr. Carleton to the generators of the transformer room) and stings crewmen (Sharkey alone and then Riley, Kowalski and three other sailors) with a drugged ring to stop the plan of Nelson. The hijack scene is very unexpected: in his quarters, Nelson briefs Crane when five crewmen, led by Riley and Kowalski, burst in and ties them in. The outcome is very tense too: Realizing his subversive attempt failed, Dr. Weber threatens to blow up the control room with a grenade and shoots down the missile firing control panel. On his way to go down to the observation nose, Crane hears the ultimatum of Dr. Weber and goes straight to the missile room to trigger the launching manually with a timer device at the top of the silo's opening and outside the sub. Paul Vogel’s cinematography is an added value to the film-making. Contains footages from the feature film.

“Graveyard of Fear”
A nice alchemy-oriented story about the fountain of youth enhanced by cinematographer Paul Vogel’s input, starring Robert Loggia as the passionate scientist who does his best to save his 200 years old fiancée-guinea pig. Act 1 starts at the office of Nelson in NIMR. A giant jellyfish launches jolts of electricity which disturbs the instruments of Seaview. Contains footages from the pilot during the first dive procedure.


Supporting Actor
Oct 14, 2016
Real Name
Hawaii Five-O Classic S3E10 The Last Eden

Home Improvement S1E15 Forever Jung

NCIS Los Angeles S1E16 Chinatown

The Saint S4E2 The Abductors

Leave it to Beaver S4E22 Beaver’s Poster

Star Trek: The Next Generation S3E10 The Defector

The Patty Duke Show S2E7 Patty the People’s Voice

Walker Texas Ranger S2E20 Flashback

Daniel Boone S2E11 A Rope For Mingo

Dragnet S2E20 The Starlet

Emergency S1E3 Cook’s Tour

Danger Man S1E33 The Hired Assassin

My Three Sons S1E11 Spring Will Be a Little Late

Hawaii Five-0 (2010) S3E4 Popilikia

Diagnosis Murder S2E10 The Last Laugh Part 2

Miami Vice S1E6 One Eyed Jack

Green Acres S1E16 Give Me Land, Lots of Land

Family Matters S2E4 Flashpants

Monk S5E8 Mr. Monk Goes to a Rock Concert

The Mentalist S1E5 Redwood

Growing Pains S7E10 Home Malone

Funny episode about getting older

Veronica Mars S1E5 You Think You Know Somebody

Clever ending

Star Trek Voyager S3E5 False Profits

Clever continuation of the SNG episode, The Price, I watched last month where two Ferengi get stranded at the unstable end of a work hole.

Airwolf S4E11 Mime Troupe

Madam Secretary S1E5 Blame Canada

Lois and Clark S1E10 Pheromone, My Lovely

The Donna Reed Show S2E1 That’s Show Business

Promised Land S1E18 Downsized

Murder She Wrote S5E10 Weave a Tangled Web

Peter Gunn S1E22 Edie Finds a Corpse

Lawman S1E6 The Jury

What’s New Scooby Doo S1E1 There’s No Creature Like Snow Creature

Scorpion S1E2 Single Point of Failure

Ironside S7E2 Murder by One

The Andy Griffith Show S2E17 The Jinx

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