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A Few Words About A few words about…™ Urban Cowboy - in Blu-ray (1 Viewer)

Robert Harris

Senior HTF Member
Feb 8, 1999
Real Name
Robert Harris
Paramount has released a 40th Anniversary Blu-ray of James Bridges' Urban Cowboy, a film that fits perfectly within its era at the studio. Think Saturday Night Fever, Flashdance et al.

The film looks fine in what was probably the old master used as the basis for the DVD.

Color works nicely. Grain is in place. But it ain't no new image harvest, and this film proves that for the purpose, you don't
really need one. Slight bit of image movement, but it actually looks more film-like.

Nice to finally have this film on Blu-ray, even an old transfer.

Audio nicely fills the space.

Love the fact that for the cover art, a beer bottle has been removed from Mr. Travolta's hand, and replaced by air.

Image - 4

Audio – 5 (DTS -HS MA 5.1)

Pass / Fail – Pass

Upgrade from DVD - Yes




Senior HTF Member
Sep 26, 2005
Camas, WA
Real Name
Mark Probst
Ah, no new transfer on this one. I guess that explains why this particular title didn’t get a 4K bump on iTunes. Paramount made it sound like they were going to be doing all-new 4K transfers for the whole line of Paramount Presents titles. Guess not.

dana martin

Senior HTF Member
Oct 28, 2003
Norfolk, VA
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Dana Martin
I'm not sure I can get past the airbrushed beer bottle. It's 2020 -- why?

much like many titles being held up, all because of music rights, i wonder if this has something to do with product placement, as it then, just as the movie poster was considered at the time as "advertisement" i am sure that lone star brewing had offered to monetarily compensate them. It may have been a possibility to have the actual beer bottle on the cover, but hey times change, smoking and drinking isn't viewed the same as it once was, can you imaging "Cold Turkey" getting made in today's Hollywood, where Bond doesn't smoke anymore,

Lord Dalek

Senior HTF Member
Apr 4, 2005
Real Name
Joel Henderson
Urban Cowboy came out on dvd 18 years ago. I doubt this transfer is THAT old.

Colin Jacobson

Senior HTF Member
Apr 19, 2000
much like many titles being held up, all because of music rights, i wonder if this has something to do with product placement, as it then, just as the movie poster was considered at the time as "advertisement" i am sure that lone star brewing had offered to monetarily compensate them. It may have been a possibility to have the actual beer bottle on the cover, but hey times change, smoking and drinking isn't viewed the same as it once was, can you imaging "Cold Turkey" getting made in today's Hollywood, where Bond doesn't smoke anymore,

Aside about a different "Cold Turkey":

I work for a school system, and one of my elementary schools would play music over the school-wide intercom for the last hour of the day.

Someone chose a John Lennon "best of", apparently under the belief that it was all gonna sound like "Imagine".

When "Cold Turkey" came on, I raced to the main office to get them to turn it off before we got to the part where John screamed from heroin withdrawal pains! :lol:

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