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Warner Archive: "None But The Brave" (1965) on Blu-ray (1 Viewer)


Supporting Actor
Sep 4, 2011
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NEW 2019 1080p HD MASTER!


Run Time 105:00
Subtitles English SDH
Sound Quality DTS HD-Master Audio 2.0 - English
Product Color COLOR
Disc Configuration BD 50
Theatrical Trailer (HD)

A crippled C-47 transport crash-lands on a remote Pacific island. For the Marines aboard, World War II becomes smaller, but no less deadly. The atoll is held by a Japanese platoon, also cut off from its command.

Debuting director Frank Sinatra stars in this suspenseful war saga, joined by Clint Walker, Tony Bill and Olympic champion Rafer Johnson. After initial bullet-laced confrontations, the Japanese leader (Tatsuya Mihashi) offers to swap water for the aid of Pharmacist Mate Maloney (Sinatra), whom he has mistaken for a doctor. When Maloney amputates the leg of a Japanese soldier and saves his life, peace results. But can it last? There are two sides to every war. None but the Brave skillfully shows the heroism of both.


Alan Tully

Senior HTF Member
Feb 19, 2008
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I remember seeing this at the cinema. I enjoyed it, but I've seen it a few times on TV & I don't really need to own it.

Robert Crawford

Senior HTF Member
Dec 9, 1998
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Thomas T

Senior HTF Member
Sep 30, 2001
As I recall, the DVD was conspicuous in that it did not provide subtitles for the Japanese scenes. Was this intentional or a mastering error?


Senior HTF Member
Sep 26, 2005
Camas, WA
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Mark Probst
As I recall, the DVD was conspicuous in that it did not provide subtitles for the Japanese scenes. Was this intentional or a mastering error?
I think the DVD was a mastering error. Because the closed captions actually had English translations of the Japanese dialog. If the movie originally had no subtitles, which would have made it very confusing to follow, then the closed captions would just say "speaking Japanese".
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Thomas T

Senior HTF Member
Sep 30, 2001
I think the DVD was a mastering error. Because the closed captions actually had English Translations of the Japanese dialog. If the movie originally had no subtitles, which would have made it very confusing to follow, then the closed captions would just say "speaking Japanese".

Then hopefully, the blu ray will remedy that.
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Randy Korstick

Senior HTF Member
Feb 24, 2000
The version shown on TCM and the short lived Filmstruck streaming did not have Japanese subtitles either.
I thought that's how the film was originally shown or at least I remember reading that somewhere.

Ronald Epstein

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Jul 3, 1997
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Ronald Epstein
The price link below will take you directly to the product on Amazon. If you are using an adblocker you will not see link.



Stunt Coordinator
Oct 15, 2009
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View attachment 58708

NEW 2019 1080p HD MASTER!


Run Time 105:00
Subtitles English SDH
Sound Quality DTS HD-Master Audio 2.0 - English
Product Color COLOR
Disc Configuration BD 50
Theatrical Trailer (HD)

A crippled C-47 transport crash-lands on a remote Pacific island. For the Marines aboard, World War II becomes smaller, but no less deadly. The atoll is held by a Japanese platoon, also cut off from its command.

Debuting director Frank Sinatra stars in this suspenseful war saga, joined by Clint Walker, Tony Bill and Olympic champion Rafer Johnson. After initial bullet-laced confrontations, the Japanese leader (Tatsuya Mihashi) offers to swap water for the aid of Pharmacist Mate Maloney (Sinatra), whom he has mistaken for a doctor. When Maloney amputates the leg of a Japanese soldier and saves his life, peace results. But can it last? There are two sides to every war. None but the Brave skillfully shows the heroism of both.

Another "failed" movie - commercially & critically UNACCLAIMED ...why Blue Ray? Obviously Warner Archive believes these "lesser" titles (there are now as many lesser blue ray titles as "A"s) have more sales potential than "A" releases (i.e. commercially successful = popular)
and DVD reissues...Kissing Bandit? Gangway for Tomorrow? What a Blonde? Gorilla Man...who is making these decisions. Are they commercially viable? Is there such a large inquisitive demand to lay out $17+ for such titles? I guess I am out of touch....


Senior HTF Member
Dec 13, 2006
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I'm a Frank Sinatra fan so I'm buying this disc. I'm not the only admirer of Mr. Sinatra so it's possible others will buy it too.

As for why Warners release films which some people don't like: we've had that debate several times and there's little point in going over the various issues yet again because the complainers ignore and forget any rational counter argument.


Apr 30, 2003
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I'm a Frank Sinatra fan so I'm buying this disc. I'm not the only admirer of Mr. Sinatra so it's possible others will buy it too.

As for why Warners release films which some people don't like: we've had that debate several times and there's little point in going over the various issues yet again because the complainers ignore and forget any rational counter argument.

Dear Robin9: I think the point about 'failed movies' being pushed to the front of the line is a valid one, particularly in an era when sites like Rotten Tomatoes have made it their mission to 'rank' movie art, and we can clearly see that certain movies' potential to make back their cost on Blu-ray just doesn't seem to be there. I mean if 42% only liked it and critical reviews of the day - and since - regard a movie as pure pulp, does Warner really think a pristine Blu-ray offering of the same forgotten relic will actually push their sales figures into the black this time around.

We are, of course, forgetting a crucial aspect in the decision-making process here. And it's the amount of restoration certain catalog titles require to ready them for WAC's high standards. So, a title like High Society - which has been readily requested on these discussion boards (by yours truly too) will cost far more to ready for Blu than perhaps None But The Brave (which, personally, I really want also, so 'win-win' here). Love Sinatra.

I think where the frustration lies is that its 2019, not 2003 - the year that Blu-ray debuted. And in this interim WAC has done a valiant (if some would regard, as flubbed) job of releasing deep catalog Blu-rays that are pretty much a balance of great classic movies (like Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Victor/Victoria, On Dangerous Ground, The Picture of Dorian Gray...and so on) with an equal helping of highly questionable fluff (and some would argue, junk, a la From Hell It Came, Ice Pirates, Looker, etc.) that just seems like a lot of wasted opportunities to release more high-profile catalog in its place. My laundry list of what I would consider 'better' money spent on other product is extensive. And while I regard it as 'must have' titles over some of what's been put out there, I sincerely think at least some of what WAC has put out in the past is pure gold and some of it highly suspicious gambles.

Be that as it may, its still 2019, not 2003. By now, some of the biggest titles under WAC's control ought to have made it to hi-def - and haven't. Oscar winners, as example. Isn't it a bit of a sacrilege that we still don't have the remaining BEST PICTURE winners out on disc by now: The Broadway Melody, The Life of Emile Zola, The Great Ziegfeld, Around the World in 80 Days? Lots of work needs to be done on these. But it still should be done. The original elements are not getting any younger.

And yes, lots more 'quality' releases of deep golden oldies too: Goodbye Mr. Chips (1939), The Prisoner of Zenda (1937), Random Harvest, Marie Antoinette, Romeo and Juliet (1936), National Velvet, High Society, Red Dust, Boom Town, San Francisco, A Woman's Face, Old Acquaintance, The Letter, The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, Captain Blood, Idiot's Delight, the Judy/Mickey musicals, the Fred/Ginger musicals, the Andy Hardy pictures, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Boy's Town, Holiday in Mexico, Bathing Beauty, Million Dollar Mermaid, Easy to Love, more Tom and Jerry, Rosalie, The Student Prince, That Midnight Kiss, The Toast of New Orleans, Royal Wedding, The Belle of New York, Words and Music, Till The Clouds Roll By, The Harvey Girls, For Me and My Gal, Ziegfeld Girl, The Three Musketeers, (a remastered, Anchors Aweigh and On the Town would be nice), Gentleman Jim, City for Conquest, Border Incident, Mystery Street, Pride and Prejudice, The Valley of Decision, Julius Caesar, Blackboard Jungle, Mrs. Parkington, Mrs. Skeffington, When Ladies Meet, The Little Foxes, Wuthering Heights, A Date With Judy, Ziegfeld Follies, Lassie Come Home, Little Women (both RKO and MGM versions), Show Boat (all three versions), Thousands Cheer, A Guy Named Joe, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (both versions), Adam's Rib, Pat and Mike, The White Cliffs of Dover, Three Daring Daughters, The Yearling, Susan and God, Broadway Melody of 1936, 38, 40, Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo, Yolanda and the Thief, The Pirate, Camille, Queen Christina, Anna Karenina, Personal Property, Reckless, Wife Vs. Secretary, The Merry Widow (both versions), Come Live With Me, Naughty Marietta, Rose Marie, Maytime, China Seas, A Tale of Two Cities, all of The Thin Man movies, I Love You Again, Manhattan Melodrama, The Good Earth, Captains Courageous (one of the finest literary adaptations EVER!!!), and on and on.

As I said before, I think the frustration here is that titles like the aforementioned are nowhere on WAC's radar, while a lot of stuff that will never see such longevity in the hearts and minds of viewers is being green-lit for hi-def releases. Not casting aspersions on the decision-making process at Warners. Just trying to encourage them to do more, do better, and perhaps reconsider at least a handful of these for Blu-ray in the near future.

Gaslight, as example, is a title I did not expect to see in a new 4K restoration - not because it is undeserving of one. That it appeared on Criterion's streaming tribute to Cukor was perhaps a clue it might come out soon. But Warner has held theatrical screenings of restored prints of Chevalier's The Merry Widow, and Wife Vs. Secretary (last year) and these NEVER were given a Blu release, which was a grave disappointment and missed opportunity in my opinion. Again, only my opinion, shared by some - perhaps, and not shared by others. Oh well, its all relevant as this is a forum where all opinions should - and readily do - matter. So, we of the hopeful - and slightly greedy for our 'personal' catalog to come to Blu - remain hopeful and vigilant into the future. What's in store for July thru January...well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


Supporting Actor
Sep 7, 2013
Real Name
Neil Powell
Well, here we go again. I'll agree, yes, it is frustrating how many of Warner's titles aren't available. But, like it or not, it is not completely WAC's fault. They are doing the best they can. Unlike the other studios, they are still trying to get out catalog titles on DVD, and that takes away resources from other stuff they are doing (not to mention doing any TV shows for Blu-ray, like the upcoming Johnny Quest as well as the Jetsons, or any shorts collections). And, as much as I have stuck to Blu-ray the last few years and prefer those releases, I don't want the DVD stuff to dry up, either, because NOT EVERY MOVIE HAS THE ELEMENTS TO MAKE THE JUMP TO HD. I know they said a few years ago they don't have the elements to release the classic Jeanette MacDonald/Nelson Eddy movie Sweethearts on Blu-ray, yet I know at least one member of this forum keeps requesting it. WAC is doing the best they can; short of us buying more of their titles day 1 and not waiting for sales, they can't do too much better.
And while it's a nice idea and gets thrown around frequently, what would licensing out anything accomplish? In order to still get quality, stuff would have to be licensed out to labels that are willing to do work on their releases, which would still slow down the number of releases. We like Criterion, but, with all the deals they have with many studios, they can only release just so much at a time (we are guessing they have the 1936 Showboat licensed, since the WAC DVD has been OOP since last fall, but we still haven't seen any announcements, either for an individual release or a box set of the Showboats, which we are hoping for). Kino would be a horrible idea, because they focus on the requested for quantity, and therefore quality suffers.
My own opinions on the release of None But The Brave are mixed. I haven't seen the movie, but it is one I would like. In a normal year, it would be a day 1, full price purchase (even if only to help convince WAC to release more Sinatra, especially some of his earlier musicals). But, this year, I keep seeing a lot of titles that would normally be day 1 purchases being announced left-and-right, and I can't even begin to afford them all. WAC's releases of Summer Stock, Gaslight and the Popeye release are all releases I really must support (as well as whatever other new-to-blu musicals they might have planned from the fifties or earlier, whatever 30s movie is being planned, and any other pre-1954 releases that I might like), not to mention the upcoming Criterion of Swing Time (which I have NO intention of waiting for a sale on, considering Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers don't otherwise seem to be big sellers for Warner, considering how few of their individual films have been released so far). But at this point, I'm closer to feeling relief this year when I DON'T see stuff I want announced.

Thomas T

Senior HTF Member
Sep 30, 2001
As for why Warners release films which some people don't like: we've had that debate several times and there's little point in going over the various issues yet again because the complainers ignore and forget any rational counter argument.

To paraphrase the famous last line of the classic 1970s noir, Chinatown, "Forget it, Robin. It's the HTF." :) If people still believe there's a viable blu ray market for a creaky B&W elephant like The Great Ziegfeld or Jane Powell second tier musicals or Norma Shearer epics then nothing you can say will change their minds. I know I sound like an old broken record but as long as others sing the same old song, I'm going to sing mine :lol: Now, c'mon Warners bring on that blu ray of Kansas City Bomber with Raquel Welch! You should make enough on that to cover the costs of some Hedy Lamarr masterpiece on blu ray.
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Randy Korstick

Senior HTF Member
Feb 24, 2000
Tried to preorder this. Amazon shows it currently unavailable.

The story though looks very interesting.
Amazon is currently in a feud with Warner Archive similar to their Disney Feud. Most WAC titles released this year took an extra month or two for Amazon to ship after release date.

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