Search results

  1. Charles Smith

    RIP - Richard Sherman, 95

    There seemed to be no end to the perfect musical magic that came out of those fingers when he sat down to compose a song.
  2. Charles Smith

    RIP - Angelo Badalamenti, 85
  3. Charles Smith

    RIP - Douglas Trumbull, 79

    Very sad to read of this just now. Where does one begin? Thank you for everything.
  4. Charles Smith

    RIP - Yvette Mimieux, 80

  5. Charles Smith

    RIP Dean Stockwell, 85

    Thank you for all you left us.
  6. Charles Smith

    RIP director Richard Rush, 91

    Time for a viewing of THE STUNT MAN.
  7. Charles Smith

    Watched Forums not populating this morning

    This is my bookmarked page for HTF, and look what greets me this morning. Not that the bookmarking makes a difference, it's the same when I navigate to it. ADDENDUM: Well, sorry, Dave, it appears to be another Safari thing. :) It's like this on the MacBook and iPad, but the page is...
  8. Charles Smith

    Troubleshooting an AVR problem

    Hi everyone. If this kind of query should be posted elsewhere on HTF, just say the word. I'm troubleshooting a problem, and I want to know if anyone has experienced anything like what I'm about to describe. My receiver is a ten-year-old Pioneer Elite VSX-21TXH that has served me well in all...
  9. Charles Smith

    Dark Mode in XenForo 2

    I liked dark mode on HTF before, so I just reinstated it for the first time since the update. Still like it, but there's a bug to report. When a post is quoted, the quoted poster's name is just a white blank, as per this screen shot. I see this in Safari on both Mac and iPad, and in Chrome on...
  10. Charles Smith

    Error 520 ?

    Haven't gotten an error code in a while. I thought this would be a repeat of that earlier one, but it looks like we were getting 502s before. (Interesting juxtaposition of numbers, though.) :) FYI, here it is:
  11. Charles Smith

    SPAM "from" HTF via email only?

    Got an email a while ago that reads as 100% genuine unadulterated spam. But the email itself - at a glance - looks identical to the legitimate email copies of internal HTF mail I'm accustomed to seeing, right down to the graphics in the body, the From address, etc. Two copies of it came over...
  12. Charles Smith

    RIP Agnes Varda, 90
  13. Charles Smith

    RIP - Nicolas Roeg, 90
  14. Charles Smith

    REPLY function not working as it should

    (I know I've reported this before, but don't know how long it's been since the last time or where that was, so here's a new thread on it.) I see this working for others all the time, but it refuses to function the same way for me... In "replying" to a post that has another reply to a post(s)...
  15. Charles Smith

    Search results within a forum...

    I just went into the Movies forum to see if anything had been posted about a recent film. Didn't see anything on the first couple of pages so I ran a search on 'First Reformed', checking the TITLE ONLY box and the 'search this forum only' box. I got two pages of results, with each result...
  16. Charles Smith

    How to delete conversations (PMs)?

    My inbox reports 18% full, with 90 out of a maximum of 500 messages used. That's probably no big deal, but regardless of capacity issues, I wanted to get rid of some clutter and delete a bunch of old unneeded messages. I checked several of them, but when I looked through the options, I found...
  17. Charles Smith

    HTF Amazon Link on Mobile Version?

    Might just be a morning brain fart, but where is it on iPad/Safari? The little "SHOP" pulldown only takes me to the Bargains and Classified forum, and I'm not finding an Amazon link anywhere. Thanks!
  18. Charles Smith

    Browser displays of film reviews, etc., partially obscured

    Something must have just happened to cause this or surely it would have been reported long ago, but I didn't look too far back. In following a couple of the links to the "full" reviews of a couple of movies (Neil Middlemiss' review of the Malick film, and new reviews by Kevin EK), I found the...
  19. Charles Smith

    New Reply to Watched Thread -- ?

    This is just an intermittent thing that happens, nothing urgent. It's just annoying when it happens. I'm getting an email notification of a new reply in some thread I haven't seen in years. It just happens that I don't ever want notifications of new replies or anything else (except for...
  20. Charles Smith

    Happy 100th Birthday, Olivia de Havilland!

    With deepest thanks for a treasure trove of beautiful roles throughout the years.
  21. Charles Smith

    Rest in Peace, Patty Duke, 69

    First reports say it was caused by sepsis from a ruptured intestine.
  22. Charles Smith

    Lynch/Rivette Dual Retrospective, December 2015

    Lynch and Rivette? In 35mm? I'll just take my pillow and stay for the duration. "Clear your calendar for Lynch/Rivette (December 11-22), a unique dual retrospective that pairs seven films by each director. Jacques Rivette and David Lynch rank among the most revered and enigmatic...
  23. Charles Smith

    RECORD STORE DAY, April 18, 2015!

    A very happy Record Store Day to all! Show the LUV by visiting your local store today. Buy something if you can, but do show up, browse, hang around for a bit, and take it all in. We've got only one here in town, but it's a great one and the place is...
  24. Charles Smith

    3D Glasses for Panasonic Plasma Active Shutter 3D

    I'm posting this in case it can be of help to anyone in need of replacement glasses. I have a four-year-old Panasonic VT25 plasma. While I've greatly enjoyed the 3D I've viewed on it to date (no, it does NOT do well with DIAL M FOR MURDER, but it's been fine with most of the other features...
  25. Charles Smith

    "Authentication Required" Pop-Up

    Twice this morning I've gotten a pop-up on HTF with the title Authentication Required. The body says: A username and password are being requested by The site says: "" followed by two fields, Username and Password. There's no other text or...
  26. Charles Smith

    A few words about...™ The First Nudie Musical -- in Blu-ray

    When I first read this thread last October I made a mental note to get on board with the Blu-ray, for all the above good reasons, in addition to which I was living in L.A. at the time and can remember the publicity and seeing the film (though I have no idea which theater I saw it in). I hate to...
  27. Charles Smith

    Campaign for the release of "1776" to Blu-ray: Spread the Word!

    It was quite a disappointment to find this in my mailbox today, nearly a full month after being mailed. You can't see it all, thanks to the sticker, but I can assure you I proofread that sucker before letting it go. Did anyone else get one back, or could this be a fluke? If there's...
  28. Charles Smith

    Image Press Release: The Phantom of the Opera (Lon Chaney) (Blu-ray)

    Can anyone help with the following? Which score on which version of the film was the one incorrectly pressed in mono? Is there a way to visually identify either the first disc or the corrected one? Many thanks!
  29. Charles Smith

    Robert B. Sherman, dead at 86

    Learned of it on Bruce Kimmel's website. This is all I've seen so far otherwise: Sad news. RIP and thank you, sir.
  30. Charles Smith

    R.I.P., the movie camera: 1888-2011

    Too many RIPs lately. This time, though, it's not a person. Major manufacturers have ceased production of new motion picture film cameras; cinema as we once knew it is dead..