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523+ Best Picture Nominees in 365 Days attempt #2 (1 Viewer)


Senior HTF Member
Aug 10, 2010
Edmonton, Alberta
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Thanks! :) It was tough, so close together, but - I don't mean to sound callous - but I've moved on - I grieved, cried, and I'm happy they are in a better place. :) But thanks. :)


Feb 8, 2015
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I'll echo the thoughts of these gents in offering my condolences and to say I look forward to your resumption of this enjoyable thread whenever you are ready.

I admire you, Josh and others (including resident reviewers) in these endeavours. For me it's easy to tune in when time allows to read what you writers have watched, considered and painstakingly crafted into a concise review. The most I do is, if I feel energetic enough, click on the 'Like' button every now and again - far less often than I should in fact; because even when I might not necessarily agree with certain observations, I surely appreciate the expression of the viewpoint.

So in your own good time, Warren - I, for one, will be here to read with interest.
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Senior HTF Member
Aug 10, 2010
Edmonton, Alberta
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531 Films, a bunch of Days: Day ?, Film #123 - Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
View Date: August, 2016
Columbia, 1964
Genre: Comedy
Rated: PG
Director: Stanley Kubrick
Starring: Peter Sellers, Peter Sellers, Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, Slim Pickens, James Earl Jones, Sterling Hayden
Run Time: 1h 35m
Best Quote: "You can't fight in here, this is the war room!"

The cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union was at its zenith during the early 1960s. Tensions were extremely high; one wrong move by either country might start World War 3.

Producers and studios took full advantage of the world climate by making some very good, thrilling drama and spy films: The Manchurian Candidate, From Russia With Love, and Ice Station Zebra, to name a couple.

But there were two films on Anglo-Soviet relations that really stood out. The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming was one that helped lower tensions somewhat between the two super-powers; it was even shown at the Kremlin in Moscow.

Although a very important film historically, it is bested by a satire, the AFI's third funniest film of all time, a masterpiece, Dr. Stragelove.

Stanley Kubrick worked long hours crafting the screenplay based on Peter George's novel, Red Alert. From that base material, he helped write one of, if not the best satires ever made, and certainly the funniest.

From the word go, the film is filled with brilliant performances from two of Hollywood's finest. Geogre C. Scott was pushed by Kubrick to "overact," which annoyed the proud thespian. Scott thought it wasn't really "his" performance, but later came to regard it, as many fans and critics do, as some of his best work. And indeed it is. Scott gives an over-the-top performance, totally absorbing the words on the page and bringing the character to life with gusto and pizazz. This is shown best, perhaps, in the scene where he is bantering with the president and tumbles backwards, continuing the scene and not missing a beat.

But it is Peter Sellers who steals the show, playing no less than three characters: the mad doctor, the president, and the English Colonel. Sellers' brilliance is shown in every scene he is in: he ad-libbed much of his dialogue, adding tremendously funny comedic bits that simply just can't be written. Without Seller's brilliance, the film probably wouldn't have been as funny as it is.

Lets face it: Stanley Kubrick was one of the best directors of all time. Although he was nominated, he was never duly awarded. His only Oscar came for, of all things, Visual Effects for 2001. His films have stood the test of time: 2001: A Space Odyssey, Barry Lyndon, A Clockwork Orange, Lolita, Full Metal Jacket, The Shining... they are all classics.

It was Kubrick who coaxed the best of George C. Scott's work out of him; it was Kubrick's many takes that captured the best of Peter Sellers. The combination of the brilliant screenplay, Seller's comedic brilliance, the incomparable direction of Kubrick and a stellar cast combined to make Dr. Stragelove one of the funniest films of all time; a masterpiece of cold-war satire that, even today, is completely irrelevant.

The Blu Ray

Criterion released this title on Blu Ray in 2016. The transfer is not new to this release, but ported over from the very good Sony issue.

The picture is free from artifacts, dust dirt and etc., but to my eyes is not as crisp and clear as I think it could be. Because the film was so wildly popular upon release in 1964, it was printed many, many, many times and thus the OCN was no good anymore. A later generation print was used, and, while the picture is very good, maybe in time it can be sharpened,

Audio is perfect; no hiss, hum, crackle or other extranious noise can be heard. Just clean, clear dialogue. The main music heard throughout much of the picture, mostly in the aircraft, is 'Till Johnny Comes Marching Home. It sounds as brilliant as every other bit of sound from this release. Whether you listen to the original mono or the 5.1 mix, you won't be disappointed.

This release is just as good as the previous Sony release, with only some new bonus features and snazzy inserts and packaging. If you have the previous Sony release, you're golden. If you are like me and want the best version possible, the Criterion release is for you.

Bonus Features

There are several new supplements on the Criterion Blu Ray. Starting with some snazzy inserts: A little red book of Russian phrases, the obligatory essay and neat "top secret" envelope.

Interviews, a 1966 audio interview with Kubrick, Four short documentaries, a 1980 interview with Sellers from NBC’s
Today show and theatrical trailers are the bulk of the bonus features on the Blu Ray.

The four short docs provide a great insight into this film; highly recommended.

Blu Ray: 4.5/5
Audio: 5/5
Video: 4/5
Extras: 4/5
Film: 5/5

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